Advanced Search by Specialization Courses
Field of study
Big Data, Data Science, IA
Digital Business
Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Leadership and Strategic Management
Marketing, eCommerce & Social Media
SAP consulting
Agile Methodologies
Project Management
Artificial Intelligence
Big Data and Data Science
Telecommunications and Robotics
User Experience
Software Development and Cybersecurity
Philosophy and Humanities
Select Modality
Online Guided Learning
Online Self-Driven Learning
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Courses with funding available for companies
Some or all of the cost of courses may be covered by FUNDAE training funds.
La Salle-URL is accredited by FUNDAE as a training provider, and we provide all the information required so you can request funding for your course from said body.
We offer special bonuses to those companies that enroll several participants in the same course or in different courses within the current academic year.
In-company training
For more than 20 years, we have been designing and offering customized programs for organizations. We count with the academic guarantee and prestige of an international university and with the most effective learning methods, face-to-face and in virtual modality.
All Specialization Courses can be adapted to an in-company modality. Depending of the needs of our corporate clients, we propose customized solutions for professional development, always with a high level of practical content and based on the analysis and co-creation of each project with those responsible in the organization.