Online Expert Course in Financial Management La Salle Campus Barcelona URL

Online Course in Financial Management

Learn how to make the best decisions that guarantee the viability of your company.

Official name
Course in Financial Management
Degree certificate issued by La Salle
Modality Online Guided Learning
Duration 10 Weeks
Language Spanish
Places available 30
Credits 10-ECTS
Start Date 07 October 2024
Schedule Synchronous sessions Monday and Thursday from 7:30pm to 8:30pm
Location Barcelona

The Online Course in Financial Management will provide you with practical tools for financial analysis and will give you the necessary skills in management and financial management to ensure the economic and financial viability of your business project.

It will prepare you for the analysis of investments, the valuation of companies and the implementation of the different existing financing alternatives.

The program is composed of different tasks or real scenarios of business situations that are carried out sequentially, from analysis and diagnosis to planning and decision-making.



Some or all of the cost of this course may be covered by FUNDAE training funds.

La Salle-URL is accredited by FUNDAE as a training provider, and we provide all the information required so you can request funding for your course from said body.​

We offer special bonuses to those companies that enroll several participants in the same course or in different courses within the current academic year.