The Fundación Estatal para la Formación en el Empleo or Fundae provides bonifications to companies in order to promote the continuous training of their workers. The subsidized training for employment is intended to increase the competitiveness and productivity of their workers. 

At La Salle-URL, in addition to being providers of training accredited by the entity, we provide necessary information to help you process and manage the bonification with Fundae

Therefore your company will be able to provide a bonification for the training you have chosen.


Fundae is a non-profit company that aids, through bonifications, access to qualified training for active workers. Fundae cooperates with the Servicio Público de Empleo (SEPE) to train professionals in employment but also contributes to the Ministerio de Trabajo y la Seguridad Social for the progress and growth of courses and training. 

"Our job is to help companies and workers improve the skills that will enable them to face changes in the labor market and productive sectors through top-notch training"

Fundae oversees the management of those funds aimed at scheduled training of the companies, which can be carried out through Social Security contributions. 

Characteristics of the bonification system

  • Improve the professional skills and training of active and unemployed workers.
  • Increase the productivity and competitiveness of companies and organizing entities.
  • Considering the requirements of the labor market and the business needs.
  • Improve employability and/or labor reinsertion, reducing the digital divide. 

Who can benefit from this?

All active workers (not self-employed) who are employed in a workplace in Spain and who pay vocational training contributions are eligible. 

For on-site training, participants must complete at least 75% of the course to be eligible for a bonus and 75% of the evaluation tests too, in the case of online training. 

Training Credit

The bonus training is the credit granted to companies to develop the professional career of their employees. It can be a 100% bonus. Each company will organize training courses for its workforce, according to the training provider (external or internal) and the most appropriate methodology. 

All companies have an annual credit to bonus the training. It must be free of charge for the employee, and it will be the company that will fund 100% of the costs.


  • On-site. Maximum 30 participants. Bimodal training or "mirror classroom" will be allowed, where the teacher provides on-site training for a part of the attendees while another part attends virtually. 
  • Online training. Maximum 80 participants per group. There must be tutorials and evaluation tests. 
  • Mixed. Online and face-to-face mode.

All training actions must have a minimum length of 2 hours and may not exceed 8 hours per day (except in the cases of a single day).

Maximum bonus

  • Onsite Higher Level 13€/hour
  • Online training 7,5€/hour

Individual Training Allowances (PIF)

The Permiso Individual de Formación (PIF) is a license by which the company authorizes an employee to available working hours for classroom training or training given by Virtual Classroom (by 2022, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, synchronous Virtual Classroom training will be considered classroom training). 

The maximum amount of time is 200 hours per academic year. The working hours agreed between the employee and the company to attend class will be considered PIF hours (including travel time).

The Permiso Individual de Formación is creditable when the program is an official degree of the European Higher Education Area, and the studies are offered during working hours.

Advantages of the PIF

  • The PIF does NOT consume the training credit.
  • It is indifferent who pays the tuition, the amount, or the paid time. What is critical is the participant enrolls and completes the leave hours.
  • The training may not be related to the company's activity.

Contact and Help

Marina Abián Cervelló

Specialization Courses Manager

Cursos de especialización

David Pariente Rubio


Másters y postgrados presenciales

Alicia Martorell Boix


Másters y postgrados online