Degree in Engineering in ICT Management

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Electronic Measurements Laboratory

The subject is expected to show a practical and pragmatic view of different topics related to electronic and communication systems, focusing on methods and procedures of measurements. Hence this is a very heterogeneous subject. The subject takes place in the Laboratory where 18 different practices can be found. Each of them has its own equipment to be carried out. The practices are carried out by couples, one per week. In order to get a high quality teaching environment the class is divided in groups, each one has three hours per week to be in the Laboratory. Two professors remain at the Laboratory to help the student go through each course.
Type Subject

Titular Professors

Academic Director
Previous Knowledge

Electronic and telecommunication principles.


The subject provides students with the following learning outcomes (the degree courses on which they appear are provided in brackets):

- Domain of telecommunication´s instrumentation and measurement procedures. Justification and correct interpretation of the results (GC).
- Knowledge of instrumentation and measurement procedures in the field of electronic systems (GK)

More specifically, the students that course the subject of electronic measurements acquire the knowledge and develop the abilities mentioned below:
1. To have a practical and pragmatic view of different topics on electronics and communications systems.
2. To understand and to be skilled at using concepts, magnitudes and orders of magnitude explained on the different practices.
3. To have the capacity to analyze, understand, and justify correctly the measurements outcomes.
4. To acquire a high experience level on handling the hardware.
5. To be able to schedule work and show initiative to get good solutions to the problems introduced at the Laboratory.
6. To have teamwork skills and to be able to orally explain their ideas.


0. Measurement parameters - errors
0.1- Calculations
0.2- Error propagation
0.3- Decibels and sound

1. LEDS and colorimetry
1.1- LEDS, fundaments, kinds and important parameters
1.2- Colorimetry, theoretical fundaments and measurement parameters
1.2- Measurement equipment: espectometer, integrating sphere and luminous intensity probe
1.3- Practical part

2. Acoustic waves
2.1- Introduction
2.2- Component part description
2.3- Software description
2.4- Standing waves
2.5- Passive filtering
2.6- Active filtering
2.7- Acoustic terminology

3. High frequency spectral analyzer
3.1- Spectral analyzer `R&F FSL3´
3.2- Tracking generator
3.3- RF generator
3.4- Modulations used
3.5- Wires and filters measurements
3.6- Radio broadcast
3.7- Intermodulation study
3.8- Frequency synthesizer and Fourier series

4. Transceiver study
4.1- Introduction: Modulation and Demodulation
4.2- Modulation systems
4.3- Transmitter and receiver
4.4- CB-27 INTEK transceiver description
4.5- S.M.T. KENWOOD transceiver description
4.6- HP 8920A transceiver analyzer
4.7- Transmitter study
4.8- Receiver study

5. A/D and D/A converters
5.1- Introduction
5.2- Basic introduction to MATLAB
5.3- D/A converter
5.4- A/D converter
5.5- Course execution

6. Automatic data acquisition
6.1- Introduction to LabView
6-2- Equipment description and programming
6.3- Capacimeters
6.4- Study of a LED
6.5- Communications through infra-red
6.6- Telemeter

7. Parametric analysis of electronic components and circuits evaluation
7.1- Theoretical principles.
7.2- 4194A Spectrum Analyzer
7.3- Equivalent circuit evaluation
7.4- Impedance measurement application
7.5- Gain/Phase measurement application

8. Analogical electroacoustics measurements about amplifiers
8.1- Introduction
8.2- Equipments to measure
8.3- Practical accomplishment and parameters to measure

9. Digital audio
9.1- Introduction
9.2- Digital audio measurement, multi-channel amplifier
9.3- Digital audio formats
9.4- Real-time audio processing

10. Wave line transmitting
10.1- Pulse generator description
10.2- Wave line study by reflectometry
10.3- Theoretical study of an ideal wave line

11. Network analyzer
11.1- Introduction to the transmission lines
11.2- Dispersion parameters matrix (scattering)
11-3- Network analyzer description
11.4- Practices to carry out

12. Microwaves
12.1- Electromagnetic fields in a wave guide
12.2- Component description
12.3- Rectangular wave guide
12.4- Filter + slotted wave guide
12.5- Holed wave guide study
12.6- Received power on a two horn link
12.7- Directional coupling transfer function study
12.8- Isolator transfer function study

13. Transistor parameter measurement
13.1- Electronic probe
13.2- Hre, inverse transfer parameter
13.3- fT measurement
13.4- Base-collector capacitance joint

14. Knowledge and use of a `Phase Locked Loop'
14.1 PLL CD4046 performance
14.2 PLL COS/MOS technical description
14.3 Phase comparator
14.4 Voltage control oscillator
14.5 Low pass filter

15. Digital system analysis
15.1- Theoretical principles of a logical analyzer
15.2- HP1662A logical analyzer
15.3- The test bench
15.4- The 8088 microprocessor
15.5- Analyzer configuration
15.6- The clock generator and the watchdog
15.7- Periphery device access
15.8- Errors tracking
15.9- Machine code algorithms
15.10- Sketches.

16. Electromagnetic compatibility
16.1- Electromagnetic compatibility regulations
16.2- Measurement hardware
16.3- Radiated and guided interference measurements
16.4- Capacitive and inductive coupling
16.5- Interference reduction techniques
16.6- Diaphonia measurement
16.7- Wire and line coupling

17. Oscilloscopes uses
17.1 Digital and analogical oscilloscopes
17.6- NAND gate characteristic study
17.7 TV video signal study

18 Digital oscilloscopes applications.
18.3 LC circuit transitional state
18.4 Delay time of a relay and rebound analysis
18.5 Frequency measurement and damping factor of a tuning fork
18.6- Double voltage circuit and AF generator transitional state


The training activities that are used in the course are:

- Lab Work
- Individual practical lab work
- Individual study and project work
- Evaluations

The student must complete 18 practices through the whole course, each one of them is in a different table with all the required equipment. The practices are carried out in couples. A different practice is assigned to each couple every week.

From the beginning of the course students have a didactic handbook for each practice which has a brief explanation of the theoretical concepts, measurement procedure, hardware description and how to carry out each practice.

The student must understand the theoretical concepts and the proposal for each practice. Afterwards each couple has two hours at the laboratory to carry out the practice with the help of two professors. The laboratory remains open all a very long time in order to permit students to finish the practice and strengthen the knowledge and acquire experience. Professors are also open to answer whatever question the students may have.

As a teaching tool the e-campus is commonly used. The e-campus is a virtual environment which allows a fluent dialog between teachers and students in order to be able to exchange files, send e-mails and notices, forums can also take place in the e-campus, as well as many other issues.


Assessment activities:
- Exams
- Participation in the laboratory - Continuous assessment

Evaluation Criteria

The subject is divided in two terms; each of them is formed by 9 practices. The exam is oral and about 4 of the 9 practices. Each term´s grade is the average of the grade obtained in each practice. During the exam, students are allowed to have over the table the notes they consider necessary.

The final grade is made by the arithmetic mean of the two terms´ grades. To pass the subject, both exams must be passed with a note equal to or higher than 5. If the event of failing one of the exams, the student will has the possibility to take an exam on September (first week) that consists in oral questions about four practices. Therefore, partial saved approved by the extraordinary, but not for the next course.

We have designed a rubric for assessing oral examinations. It is evaluated by differentiating three aspects: knowledge and theoretical fundamentals, ability to apply the methods and procedures for the realization of the measures and oral expression and argumentation ability. The latter is not used to calculate grade, only to give guidance to students.

Continuous assessment consists of an oral examination. Weekly can release material by an oral exam practice done during the week.

Should have passed some practical continuous evaluation, the test is done on the rest. Wondering about approximately 50% of pending practice.

The grade of each part will be the average of the grades weighted number of practices of each test.

Example: If the partial examination is about nine practices, and have released 4 continuous assessment Notes 7, 8, 7 and 9, will be examined in the remaining five practices. The test might be to ask 3 of the 5 practices. If the note of this examination was 8, the final note of the part would be: 7x1 / 8x1 9 + / 9 + 7x1 / 9 + 9x1 / 9 + 8x5 / 9 = 7.86

Basic Bibliography

Manual de mesures electròniques. Publicacions Enginyeria i Arquitectura La Salle. 2014

Additional Material

Notes and documents from the other subjects.

Technical documentation sheets (Internet)