Degree in Management of Business and Technology La Salle Campus Barcelona

Degree in Management of Business and Technology

Internationality, technology, innovation, creativity, entrepreneurship, values, and both people and team management are the keys to define this degree. Includes international stages.

Leading Teams and Organizations

Are leaders born or is leadership taught? In this course, we delve into the complex topic of leadership to understand leadership styles, leadership as a skill and the effect of leadership on teams and organizations. Similar to many other skills, success in leadership is driven by self-awareness and an understanding of the dynamics of human interaction. Whether leading or being part of a team, the importance of understanding how your actions impact others and impact success is paramount to achieving goals and objectives. Through readings, case studies and exercises, we will help you understand perceptions, motivations, attitudes and behaviors that are part of leadership.
Type Subject
Tercer - Obligatoria

Titular Professors

Previous Knowledge

- To provide students with a basic understanding of leadership and team theory, principles and practices that can be applied in organizational life
- To help students recognize effective leadership and behavior and begin to apply these concepts in a variety of contexts
- To help students assess their own leadership style and purpose, and to help them further develop their personal leadership skills


By the end of this course, students should be able to:
- Describe some of the key skills or competencies that enable effective leadership
- Understand and explain why cross-cultural factors usually increase the complexity of group challenges and how leaders can deal with this complexity
- Explain why group conflict persists and the role of leaders in helping to move beyond it
- Analyze a group situation and describe what it would mean to exercise leadership in that context
- Interact with others to move through a group challenge
- Reflect on their own strengths and weaknesses, as well as the role that their unique life stories play in terms of leadership development


This course will use a pedagogical approach that includes lectures, discussions, in-class exercises, case study and other techniques. Because leadership is cross-disciplinary in nature, we will rely on readings from a variety of different fields, including business, psychology, history, social science, politics, and even literature. This combination will provide a rich foundation from which we can begin to see the many different aspects of leadership and organizational dynamics.


The course grade will be based on the following point breakdown:
- Participation & Contribution (P&C): 15%
This includes attending class on time, active contribution, presenting business news on teams and leadership, and participating in other class activities. Your P&C grade for this course will be assessed in terms of the quality and quantity of your participation in the discussion during class. Students are encouraged to volunteer to give StudentTalks and/or, presentation on a particular topic related to the course. Surveys or self-assessments also counts toward your P&C grade.
Sideline talking or disruptive behaviors will affect your participation grade.
You may receive a failing grade for participation if you miss classes more than five (5) times or 1/3 of scheduled classes whichever is greater, except in situations of illness or approved by the instructors.
- Weekly Team Assignment: 25%
Students are assigned into teams of 5-7 persons per team. Each team will have a mix of gender, nationality, personality and styles to provide a diverse learning experience. Each week, a team member will take the lead and facilitate the weekly discussion with the team.
- Mid-term Exam: 20%
This is a written exam during the mid-term exam week.
- Team Presentation: 20%
Students will work in small teams.
- Final Paper: 20%. Students must past the final exam or assignment in order to pass the course.
- Due date: This means your assignments must be uploaded in eStudy or handed in (follow the instructors' instructions) by the date and time indicated, not when you sign into eStudy. The system will close at the time indicated and you will not be able to submit your assignment even just one second late.

Repeat Students: Repeat students who take the course for the second time must submit NEW work for all assignments, oral and written. New work must be based on different companies or different subject areas. Work from previous year is not accepted. When in doubt, repeat students are advised to get a prior approval from the professor. If repeat students fail to submit new work on new companies or subject areas, they will earn a zero for that assignment.

Evaluation Criteria
Basic Bibliography

Students are advised to read business news from credible sources such as those below (free to access and subscribe):
Harvard Business School Working Knowledge:
Pew Research Center:
World Economic Forum:
Deloitte Insights:

Additional Material