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Circuits Theory

In the first part of the course the basic techniques used in electric circuit theory are applied to the analysis of electronic circuits. Sinusoidal Transient response and steady state are analyzed. Frequency response is also studied. I
Type Subject

Titular Professors

New Students service
Previous Knowledge

Basic analysis of resistance networks, inductive networks and capacitive.


People who study this subject must achieve the following knowledge and abilities:
1. Acquire the necessary knowledge to analyze basic circuits from the time domain or frequency domain.
2. Capacity and ability for using calculus tools for circuit analysis.
3. Ability for understanding and analyzing frequency response graphics.
4. Give the students the needed knowledge for research and learn synthesis tools.


1.- Basic components relations.
1.1- V/I relation in resistors, capacitors, inductors and transformers.
1.2- Sources: ideal, non-ideal and dependent.
2.- RLC analysis using Laplace transformation.
2.1- Properties. Some interesting Laplace transformations.
2.2- Laplace transformed circuits.
2.3- Transfer function.
2.4- Global circuit solution. Transient response and steady state.
2.5- Stability. Stability criteria.
3.- Sinusoidal Steady State analysis.
3.1- Need of this sinusoidal analysis.
3.2- Amplitude and phase concept.
3.3- Calculation of Sinusoidal Steady State (SSS).
4.- Second order function standardized form.
4.1- Types of circuits according to the form of the transient response.
4.2- Types of circuits according to the frequency response.
4.3- Natural oscillation frequency. Forced oscillation frequency, bandwidth, resonance frequency, quality factor.


Lessons mainly consist of lectures. They are distributed in sessions where theoretical contents are explained and sessions where problems related to the theoretical contents are solved. In each theory block problems are proposed for students to solve at home. These problems will allow the teacher to do a more continuous assessment and complete the exam marks. There are also sessions dedicated to the resolution of exercises in which the students can ask about their doubts. Class exams for continuous assessment are also done.

All students have the possibility of making personalized questions to any of the subject´s teachers about the theoretical contents or about the problems resolution.


A. Exams.
B. Homework.
C. Class exams.

There is a final exam in June and also a midterm exam which will add from 0,4 to 1 point to the final exam mark if both are higher than 4. Homework and class exams will also contribute in the final mark. The recovery exam in case you failed the exam in June will be in July.

Evaluation Criteria

Objective 1: Students must know how to analyze a circuit correctly [A, B, C]
Objective 2: Students have to know how to choose the correct mathematical tools for the analysis of each situation [A, B, C]
Objective 3: Students must know how to interpret the results and plots obtained in the circuit analysis [A, B, C]
Objective 4: Students must have the necessary knowledge to understand and to search for synthesis tools on their own. [B]

Basic Bibliography

Llibre de problemes d'anàlisi i síntesi de circuits.
J. Margalef, Anàlisi i Disseny de Circuits Analògics, Enciclopedia Catalana, 1994

Additional Material


M.E.Van Valkenburg, Análisis de redes, Limusa, 1977.
Hayt y Kemmerly, Análisis de circuitos en Ingeniería, Del Castillo, 1970.
Brenner, Análisis de circuitos electrónicos, Del Castillo, 1971.
Charles M.Close, The analysis of linear circuits, Harcourt, Brace and World, 1966.
Hug H. Skilling, Redes eléctricas, Limusa, 1977.
David E. Johnson, Hilbum, Basic electronic circuit analysis, Prentice-Hall.
Arann Budals, Circuits theory fundamentals and applications, Prentice-Hall.
Federic K.F. Driscoll, Analysis of electric circuits, Prentice-Hall.
Behnoisr Peckari, Fundamentals of network analysis and sinthesis, Prentice-Hall.
Randall W. Jensen, Network analysis, Prentice-Hall, 1974.
R-E. Thomas, A.J. Roso, Circuits and signals: An Introduction to linear and Interference Circuits, Witey, 1985.
F.F. Kuo, Network analysis and Synthesis, Witey, 1966.
Huelsman, Basic circuit theory, Prentice-Hall, 1984.
Aatre, Network theory and filter design, Wiley, 1980.
D.E. Johnson, Introduccion to filter theory, Prentice-Hall, 1976.
V. Valkenburg, Analog and filter design, H.S.

Exercises and its solutions are regulary uploaded to the virtual campus of the subject as well as graphs and simulations of the exercises explained in the theoretical sessions.