Degree in Management of Business and Technology La Salle Campus Barcelona

Degree in Management of Business and Technology

Internationality, technology, innovation, creativity, entrepreneurship, values, and both people and team management are the keys to define this degree. Includes international stages.

Mathematics for Business I

This course is designed as a review of the main mathematical methods that are required by students of business, economics and management. It assumes only a basic knowledge of mathematical analysis, and will build slowly from fairly elementary topics to an introduction to calculus and the more complex methods used in more advanced studies.
Type Subject
Primer - Obligatoria

Titular Professors


This course seeks to help you in:

Reviewing basic mathematical concepts.

Practicing operations and estimations of quantities.

Understanding how mathematics plays an important role in Business.


The course contents are as follows:

1. Basic concept review
2. Linear equations
3. Linear programming
4. Quadratic functions
5. Indices and logarithms
6. Mathematics of finance
7. Differentiation
8. Optimization of economic functions
9. Partial differentiation
10. Integration
11. Matrices


Weekly teaching will consist of two lecturing sessions to explain basic concepts to apply knowledge to practical situations.
Exercises in class will be solved and problems will also be proposed so that students can apply the concepts learned.


Continuous assessment has the following evaluation structure:

Midterm Exam 25%

Final Exam 25%

Individual assignments grade 30%

Attendance & participation 20%

Basic Bibliography

Ian Jacques, Mathematics for Economics and Business. Pearson Education, 9th edition, 2009.