Degree in Animation and VFX

Become a professional in 3D computer generated imagery, including special effects and 3D artwork. The Degree in Animation at La Salle Campus Barcelona is the first official undergraduate degree program in Catalonia.

Language and visual narrative

The course is intended to provide a deep knowledge of audio-visual narrative and dramatic story, specifically related to film and animation.
Type Subject
Primer - Obligatoria

Titular Professors

Previous Knowledge

To present the mechanisms of audio-visual narrative and dramatic story along with a model based on the observation and analysis of the tradition, predominantly in the field of film and animation.


Theory of audio-visual language.

Audio-visual analysis and review of screenings: technical and artistic elements, historical context, plot synopsis, visual resources, sound resources, narrative aspects.

Story and narrative. Fiction and non-fiction. Linear, meandering, spiral, branching and explosive plots.

Dramaturgy: basic, structural and local mechanisms.


The NCA is a new teaching methodology adopted by the university that promotes active education placing the student at the centre of the learning process. In this module students will give presentations, teach and respond to their peers, analyse films and take part in discussions. It will be a dynamic learning environment with an emphasis on student participation.


Semester 1
- Attendance, punctuality and participation in sessions.
- Group presentations on aspects audio-visual language [30% of the final mark].
- Written analysis and reviews of screenings [20%].
- Written exam at the end of the semester [50% (if > 4,5/10)].

Semester 2
- Attendance, punctuality and participation in sessions.
- Written analysis and reviews of screenings [50% of the final mark].
- Written exam at the end of the semester [50% (if > 4,5/10)].

Evaluation Criteria
Basic Bibliography

BOWEN, Christopher: Grammar of the Edit. Routledge. 2017CARRIÈRE, J. C. i BONITZER, P. Práctica del guión cinematográfico. Barcelona: Paidós, 1991.
CHION, M. Cómo se escribe un guión. Madrid: Cátedra, 2000.
DURAN, J. La ficció cinematogràfica, avui. Barcelona: Publicacions i Edicions de la Universitat de
Barcelona, 2011.
FIELD, S. El libro del guión. Fundamentos de la escritura de guiones. Madrid: Plot, 1994.
LAVANDIER, Y. La dramaturgia. Los mecanismos del relato: cine, teatro, ópera, radio, televisión, cómic.
Madrid: Ediciones Internacionales Universitarias, 2003.

Additional Material