Degree in Business Intelligence and Data Analytics

Lead the transformation of companies through the use and analysis of data.

Applied research

This course provides students with an in-depth knowledge of the design and management of applied research projects. The course prepares students for the undertaking of the final project in year four of the degree programme. By the end of the course students will be able to set realistic research objectives, design accurate and appropriate research methods, undertake comprehensive literature reviews, analyse quantitative and qualitative data and write-up their findings. This course also aims to practically apply the theoretical concepts and develop management skills necessary for the successful undertaking of a research project. These skills include: planning, organisation, time management, interpersonal communication, teamwork, leadership. Students will have the opportunity to apply knowledge developed in several subject areas including marketing management, global marketing, human resource management, cross-cultural management, project management and should provide experience in preparation for the final project. Students work in groups on projects linked directly to external organizations. The research projects will be designed, planned, managed and executed by the groups who will act as a professional market research consultancies. Note that the full design of this course will be determined by the students under the supervision of the professor and will have to respond to the research brief(s) negotiated with the client(s). Learning Outcomes of this subject are: RA.01 Understand research philosophy and its importance when adopting a research approach and designing a methodology, RA.02 Undertake a systematic, rigorous literature review as the basis for a research study. RA.03 Effectively set appropriate objectives for a research project. RA.04 Practically implement and critically analyse the use of questionnaires, semi-structured interviews and focus groups. RA.05 Accurately analyse and present quantitative and qualitative data. RA.06 Practically manage a real research project using the theoretical knowledge developed in research methods. RA.07 Plan, organize, successfully implement and evaluate an integrated research process in order to meet established objectives. RA.08 Adopt roles of leadership and teamwork, and assume responsibility for individual and group actions. RA.09 Work under pressure and to meet deadlines. RA.10 Develop communication skills (interpersonal and formally in the final presentation to the client).
Type Subject
Tercer - Obligatoria
Previous Knowledge

- Identify the different roles research can play in an organization.
- Provide an introduction to research philosophy and its importance when adopting a research approach
and designing a methodology,
- Undertake a systematic, rigorous literature review as the basis for a research study.
- Enable students to effectively establish appropriate objectives for a research project.
- Practically implement and critically analyse the use of questionnaires, semi-structured interviews and
focus groups.
- Accurately analyse and present quantitative and qualitative data.
- To manage a research project from start to end.
- To gain experience working with real organizations and to understand the nature of client-supplier
- To provide support for the design and implementation of students' Final Projects


The main topics & chapters to be covered are listed below (whether all or portions of it)
Introduction to the course, plagiarism and AI.
What is research? Philosophy and guiding principles.
Choosing a project topic.
Writing the literature review.
Methodology / data collection strategy.
Interviews and surveys.
Data Analysis.
Conclusions, communicating data.
Preparation for exam.


The class sessions will involve a dynamic combination of theory and practice. Students will be required to read before coming to class and be prepared to discuss relevant issues in the group, as well as being able to apply their knowledge to practical examples. Throughout the course students will work in groups on an ongoing research project that they will design, execute and evaluate. Every theoretical step taken will be tested in practical terms through these projects. Students will be expected to develop these projects outside of class.

The practical research project management dimension of the course is designed and executed by the students as managers of the project under the supervision of the professor. The 'classes' are redefined as 'meetings' and the students must learn to plan and organize these meetings effectively in order to achieve the objectives they establish. Students are guided by the professor in terms of theoretical contents, which is expected to be done in preparation for meetings and should influence the actions and its deliverables. The ultimate aim is to simulate as realistically as possible how a research team would work on a consultancy project.


Your final grade for this course will be made up of the following percentages:

25% Project proposal in pairs (Mindmap) due November 6th via eStudy upload
40% Literature review in pairs (2.000 words) due December 18th via eStudy upload
20% Final Exam
15% Participation

Participation and Attitude: Participating in the class discussions, active on Q&A, provide examples, active & engaged team member. Appropriate behaviour, avoiding unnecessary disruption and side conversations. Points will also be taken out for miss-use of phone, being disruptive, student been expelled from class, etc.

Attendance - Pending assignments will only be accepted if your absence is justified by your tutor.

AI: Students who opt to use an AI in their work (if authorized by the professor) are required to include a paragraph at the end of the task or activity in which the student has used said tool and explain why you have decided to use it and the result obtained from it. Failure to include this information will be considered as an attempt at fraud or cheating as it deceived the evaluation system. In such case the penalties set out in Salle Campus Barcelona - Copies Regulation will be applied.

Retake policy: Retake will be a final exam and the maximum retake grade for a student would be a 6.

Evaluation Criteria
Basic Bibliography

Required Textbook
Saunders, M et al. (2006) Research Methods for Business Students, 4th edition, FT Prentice Hall.

Other readings will depend on the theme of the project.

Additional Material