Degree in Business Intelligence and Data Analytics

Lead the transformation of companies through the use and analysis of data.

Introduction to accounting

This course is an introduction to the basic accounting concepts. In the first part of the course emphasis is placed in studying the accounting cycle, basic accounts, the journal, the ledger, the balance sheet, the income statement, the statement of retained earnings, the statement of cash flows, and all the necessary accounting adjustments. The second part of the course analyzes in detail assets, liabilities and stockholders' equity, as well as the most important systems of keeping inventory, inventory valuation methods, valuation of assets, depreciation systems, intangible assets, and liabilities accounts. The course will end with a look at the company's stockholders' equity and capital stock composition.
Type Subject
Primer - Obligatoria

Titular Professors

Previous Knowledge

On the completion of this course students will be able to:

Be fully acquainted with the basic accounting concepts, thus being able to record all the economic transactions of the business.
Prepare basic financial statements using the accounting information previously recorded.
Understand the role of each of the basic accounts.
Know the basic systems of managing inventories and methods of valuation that may be used.
Understand all the concepts related to plant and intangible assets as well as the concepts of depreciation and amortization.
Learn all the liabilities found in a business and their accounting treatment.
Have a full understanding of the company's equity composition and their different types of valuation in the market.


Chapters 1 and 2 - Introduction to Accounting and Basic Financial Statements
Chapter 3 - The Accounting Cycle: Capturing Economic Events
Chapter 4 - Accruals and Deferrals
Chapter 5 - Reporting Financial Results
Chapter 6 - Merchandising Activities
Chapter 7 - Financial Assets
Chapter 8 - Inventories and the Cost of Goods Sold
Chapter 9 - Plant and Intangible Assets
Chapter 10 - Liabilities
Chapter 11 - Stockholders' Equity and Paid-in Capita


The class sessions will consist of one-hour lecture time and two solving problems and group project. The first session will be devoted to solving the homework cases assigned in the previous session and clearing doubts. The second session will be lecture time and solving cases based on the lecture material thus preparing the students for the homework. Every two weeks one session will be devoted to the group project. Lectures will follow closely the structure and content set out in the required textbook.


The course grade will be based on the following point breakdown:
Attendance and participation, including preparation of daily homework (individual work): 25%.
Group Project (teamwork) 20%.
Midterm exam: 25%.
Final exam: 30%.

Evaluation Criteria
Basic Bibliography

Williams, Haka, Bettner, & Carcello. (2018). Financial & Managerial Accounting (18th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill

Additional Material