Degree in Computer Engineering

Study Computer Engineering at La Salle and become a professional with the abilities to work with the latest technologies and new products, designing, implementing and maintaining computer systems for any sector of economic activity

Communications for Hostile Environments

This course gives a very practical approach to channel modeling and simulation as well as wideband modulation parameterization and simulation. Beginning with channel parameters description, the student model in Matlab a multipath channel. This channel is then sounded in order to analytically extract the parameters it has been created with. After that, the basics of spread spectrum and multicarreier modulations are introduced. From previous channel acquired knowledge, the student is trained in modulation adjustment to channel parameters and joint simulation, also in Matlab.
Type Subject
Previous Knowledge

- Signal processing.
- Digital communications.


The main objectives of C4HC are as follows:

- To develop advanced skills in channel parameterization and simulation.
- To extract channel parameters by sounding techniques.
- To develop advanced skills in wideband modulations and coding parameterization and simulation.
- To be able to design a proper wideband modulation and coding scheme in order to cope with channel impairments.
- To acquire sufficient coding skills to demonstrate previous objectives.


1. Channel
1.1. Channel modeling
1.2. Channel selectivity
1.3 Sounding technique
1.4. Channel coherence
1.5. Noise
1.6 Diversity
2. Wireless transmission techniques
2.1. Spread spectrum: DS-SS
2.2. OFDM
2.4. Channel coding
3. Cases:
3.1. Satellite comms
3.2. Vehicular comms
3.3. Underwater comms
3.4. Skywave comms
3.5. Power line comms
4. Goodput challenge


Presential lectures. Professor uses the blackboard and slides. Student has course slides so he can make some notes on it. After each chapter and befote the exam, there are some sessions to solve problems and questions.

Case. From a given real scientific/technical paper, the students have to correctly model the proposed channel, perform a channel sounding exercise and from the extracted parameters design the wideband signal waveform that bests suits the given channel. Done in Matlab.


Individual evaluation (IE):
In class participation, specially when:
Other group´s presentations.
Individual exam.

Group evaluation (GE):
Case presentation. 80 % GE score.
Goodput (good throughput) challenge. 20 % GE score.

Final mark: 50 % IE + 50 % GE.
IE must score over 5/10.
GE must score over 5/10.

Evaluation Criteria

Objective 1:
Students have to show good skills in solving problems related with channel and communication systems.
Objective 2:
Student should be able to study in more deeply way any topic studied in classes or newer ones.
Objective 3:
Student should be proactive in finding extra references.
Objective 4:
Student should show that he is able to continue his formation in the latest state-of-the-art lines.

Basic Bibliography

Course slides.

Additional Material

[1] Smith, C., `3g wireless networks´, McGraw Hill, 2002.
[2] Hanzo, L., `OFDM and MC-CDMA for broadband multi-user communications, WLAN & broadcast´, Wiley, 2003.
[3] Bahai et al., `Multi-carrier digital communications. Theory and applications of OFDM´, Springer, 2004.