Degree in Health Engineering La Salle Campus Barcelona

Degree in Health Engineering

Lead the technological advances that will define the medicine of the future.


The Biomechanics subject is based on the application of the fundamentals of physics, studied in the first year, to the anatomical structure of the human locomotor system, assimilating the human body as a system of levers (bones and joints) to which forces are applied (muscles ) generating its movement and thus facilitating its relationship with the environment. The composition and internal structure of the different materials (tissues) that make up the musculoskeletal system subjected to the action of internal (muscular) and external forces are also analyzed to identify their normal mechanical and post-injury reparative behavior . The teaching methodology and the choice of content provide students with learning results aimed at carrying out preventive actions in pathologies related to the musculoskeletal system, as well as for the design of technical aids in those cases in which posture and movement may be altered.
Type Subject
Tercer - Obligatoria

Titular Professors

Previous Knowledge

Not required


Students acquire the knowledge and develop the skills indicated below:
1- Interpret the main postural and locomotor bases of the human body based on the laws of mechanics.
2- Apply the concept of moment of a force in the different joint axes of the musculoskeletal system and of the functional human body itself with respect to the gravitational physical environment.
3- Identify the fundamental mechanical characteristics of the biological tissues of the human body and apply the principles of elasticity and deformation.
4- Understand the link between the mechanics of the injury with the preventive actions that Engineering allows to prevent or minimize risk factors.


1. Human movement.
2. Static biomechanics.
3. Dynamic biomechanics.
4. Injury mechanisms.
5. Tissue biomechanics and repair mechanisms.


The methodology used is based on a model that combines master classes (theoretical), practical classes, laboratory practices and flipped classroom (flipped classroom).
During the master sessions, students will receive explanations about the theoretical bases of the proposed contents.
In the practical classes, problems and exercises will be posed to understand the theoretical bases to understand their applicability.
In the laboratory classes, which will be carried out in small groups, an analysis of the students' own human gait will be resolved using a low-cost movement capture and analysis system (open source ) carried out with mobile technology ( smart phone ).
Classes with the flipped methodology classroom , consist of carrying out some activities (directed by the teaching staff), that the students will carry out on their own prior to the session in which the same topic will be delved deeper.


See electronic folder of the subject.

Evaluation Criteria

See electronic folder of the subject.

Basic Bibliography

See electronic folder of the subject.

Additional Material

See electronic folder of the subject.