Degree in Engineering in ICT Management

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Digital Analytic

As Peter Drucker said, "if you can't measure it, you can't improve it". You can't know whether you are successful unless success is defined and tracked. The problem is that according to ITSMA, 74% of marketers can't measure or report how their efforts impact their business. It's uncertain whether this stems from lack of resources or lack of knowledge on using marketing analytics. However, with the rise of digital marketing, there's no longer an excuse for failing to keep up with data. The aim of this course is to provide solid knowledge about digital KPI (Key Performance Indicators), tools to measure these KPI and ways to improve the digital business performance. The syllabus for the course covers the following main topics: 1. Web Analytics and KPI 2. Know Your Customers: a data analytics framework to understand customers 3. How to create data-driven Digital Marketing Strategy 4. Improve the performance of an e-commerce website based on analysis of their data.
Type Subject

Titular Professors



Previous Knowledge

Amongst the course objectives, we highlight the following:
- To develop the necessary skills to understand the KPI that measure the performance of an online business.
- To know the most relevant, Digital Marketing practices and how to measure its performance.
- To acquire a general knowledge of how Google Analytics works as well as other tools. See how data analytics is impacting every aspect of your business and prepare a proper response based on real data.
- To evaluate the results of the data analytics process and to demonstrate how to report the analyzed data.
- To be able to develop a Web Performance Plan that fits the objective of a real website.


- Introduction to Digital Analytics. Tools to obtain our KPI. Working with Alexa
- Working with Alexa
- Introduction to Google Analytics.
- Case Study La Pedrera I: knowing your users.
- Case Study La Pedrera II: driving traffic to your website.
- Case Study La Pedrera III: Increasing the conversion rate
- Case study of Hotels Ultonia
- Case study: Biciescapa (international e-commerce)
- Case Study Swiss-pro (ecommerce), GA 4


The course consists of one session per week. Classes will be a mixture between theoretical concepts and case studies for students to learn general terms Digital Analytics, combined with hands-on and workshop-based sessions, both performed by the professor and external visitors which will be experts in the subject. Students and professor(s) will perform collaborative exercises to further experiment with presented concepts, and work in groups on project development.
The aim of the course is to develop the student's understanding of Digital Analytics as much more than a means to collect online data. They will learn the importance of data for businesses and how they can be a key part to leveraging their online presence. During the course they will learn step-by-step how to develop a proper Performance Plan that will then be the core element of their final group project presentation.


In order to achieve their academic progress, students are expected to punctually attend all sessions and actively participate in the activities. In addition to this, the following aspects will be considered for determining the final course grade:
- Class participation.
- Pro-activity and creativity in group work and assignments.
- Punctual submission of proposed assignments

The course grade will be based on the following point breakdown:
20% class participation and attendance
60% Assignments and presentations to customers
20% Final Project

Evaluation Criteria
Basic Bibliography

No textbook is required. All the relevant information will be provided during the sessions and through the online platforms available. Students should bring their laptops to all sessions.

Recommended Readings:
- Web Analytics Action Hero: Using Analysis to Gain Insight and Optimize Your Business (paperbak) by Brent Dykes (2011)
- Successful Analytics eBook 1: Gain business insights by managing Google Analytics (eBook) by Brian Clifton (2015)
- Digital Marketing Analytics: making sense of consumer data in a digital world (paperback) by Chick Hemann (2013)
- Webs Analytics 2.0: The art of online accountability & science of customer centricity (paperback) by Avinash Kaushik (2009)

Additional Material

- Avinash Kaushik blog. Digital Marketing Evangelist for Google.
- : Content Marketing Institute