Degree in Electronic Engineering - Minor in Robotics

Become a qualified specialist focused in the field of robotics applied to sectors such as social, educational, therapeutic or care

Navigation Systems

Navigation Systems is focused on the autonomous navigation problem, in the field of mobile robotics. The subject is divided in two parts: perception and movement. Theory is given simultaneously to practices in simulation and using a real mobile robot.
Type Subject

Titular Professors

Previous Knowledge

The objective of this subject is to make the students learn basic ideas about autonomous navigation in the mobile robotics field. When the course is finished, the students will have the intuition and skills to properly comprehend the different problems in mobile robotics and the algorithms and methods used to solve them.


Part I. Perception
1. Fundamentals
2. Localization
3. Mapping

Part II. Movement
5. Kinematic model
6. Motion planning
7. Exploration


The methodology of this subject is based on the balance between theory and practices. This allows the students to absorb and comprehend the concepts introduced on theory by applying them in a real case with a robot.

The theory part takes place during the first half (1:30h) of the class. The format of this part is a master lecture with the resolution of class exercises. The involvement of the student is favoured and requested.

The practices are performed using the students personal laptops. For the practices, installation of Ubuntu and ROS is required. Practices can be done by pairs if there is any inconvenience with this requirement.


The final mark of the subject is calculated from the theory mark, the practices mark and involvement and attendance mark with the following weights:

40% Theory mark
40% Practices mark
20% Involvement and attendance

Theory mark:
The theory mark is calculated from a theory exercise and the final exam, both marks with the same weights (50%). The theory exercise will be introduced in class and will have to be submitted online approximately during half of the semester. Attendance to the final exam is mandatory.

Practices mark:
The practices mark is calculated from one or more practice exercises (33%) and the final project (67%). The practice exercises will consist of submitting online code packages that solve the problem definition presented in class. The final project will be performed by groups of 2-3 students and will be evaluated in an oral presentation. This oral presentation is mandatory.

Involvement and attendance:
This mark will reflect how the student engaged during the classes and the unjustified absences.

All the mentioned evaluation activities are highly significant.
Copying or cheating on any activity will be penalized as established by the university. Both the source and the cheating student will be penalized without exception.

Evaluation Criteria
Basic Bibliography
Additional Material