Degree in Health Engineering La Salle Campus Barcelona

Degree in Health Engineering

Lead the technological advances that will define the medicine of the future.

Signals and medical instrumentation

The Biomedical Signals and Instrumentation course focuses on providing students with essential knowledge to understand, acquire, and process biomedical signals. Through the study of analog and digital signals, as well as the exploration of electronic transducers, students become familiar with the specific characteristics of biomedical signals in diagnostic systems. The course also addresses principles of biomedical instrumentation, recording techniques, and the use of oscilloscopes. Through practical examples in areas such as electromyography and other applications, students will apply their knowledge, with a focus on solving real-world problems in the acquisition and processing of biomedical signals.
Type Subject
Tercer - Obligatoria
Previous Knowledge

Students acquire the following knowledge and develop the following skills:
1. Understanding basic signals from biological systems.
2. Having the ability to acquire quality biomedical signals.
3. Understanding the basic principles of biomedical signal processing and learning to process signals using software tools.


1. Introduction to biomedical signals.
2. Fundamentals of biomedical signals.
3. Biomedical instruments.
4. Biomedical signal processing.
5. Clinical applications.
6. Use of software for signal processing.


The classes in the Biomedical Signals and Instrumentation course will combine theoretical sessions with continuous assessment, consisting of various activities that integrate knowledge. These integrative knowledge activities will include various modalities such as guided problem-solving exercises and cases, seminars in small group formats, directed assignments, and cooperative learning. Additionally, students will conduct laboratory practices that review the concepts obtained in the theoretical sessions and integrative activities.


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Evaluation Criteria
Basic Bibliography

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Additional Material

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