Degree in Computer Engineering

Study Computer Engineering at La Salle and become a professional with the abilities to work with the latest technologies and new products, designing, implementing and maintaining computer systems for any sector of economic activity

New Generation Broadband Networks

This subject intends to give a broad vision and is focused on the business vision of broadband networks used mainly by telecommunications operators. A brief introduction to the subject is made, explaining the different transmission networks, both terrestrial and satellite, QoS switching networks, access networks, advanced services, the platforms that are in the market, and finally the interconnections between the telecommunications operators are taught. The subject New Generation Broadband Networks presents the latest developments and trends in the telecommunications sector, from a technological point of view. It includes the most important parts of operator’s networks: transmission, switching, access, intelligent network and network of interconnection between operators. The focus of the course is the teaching of knowledge based on real practical examples of current networks and their tendencies.
Type Subject

Titular Professors

Previous Knowledge

Network fundamentals, interconnection of data networks (recommended)


The objectives of the subject are the following:
1. Understand the main concepts of the subnets that make up an operator's network.
2. Analyze real examples of technology from existing operators.
3. Be able to plan a network of a telecommunications operator.
4. Study the technological trends of telecommunications, and their application to operators in the sector.

Learning Outcomes of this subject are:
RA.01 - Understand the concept of quality of service of a network and its application to voice, data, video, etc. (GT).
RA.02 - Know and manage the different technologies currently used by telecommunications companies to deploy telematic networks (GT).


The detailed agenda of the subject is the following:

1.1. Subject axes
1.2. Broadband networks. Characteristics.
1.3. Drivers of change in broadband telecommunications

2.1. ADM nodes
2.2. WDM
2.3. Components of the optical layer
2.4. IP optimized networks
2.5. Satellite communications

3.1. Introduction to multiservice networks
3.2. Quality of service over IP, MPLS
3.3. Quality of service with IP and NAS
3.4. Integrated services over IP
3.5. Softswitch platforms
3.6. Triple-play architecture

4.1. Application in the broadband network
4.2. Examples: ARS, XPV, ICR, etc.
4.3. Advanced services in NGN
4.4. IMS platform

5.1. XDSL Technologies
5.2. Wimax technology
5.3. HSDPA and LTE technologies
5.6. Comparison between HFC and FTTH

6.1. Analysis of interconnection services
6.2. Access and broadband services
6.3. Analysis of the technologies involved


The methodology used in this subject is based on:

1. Classroom lessons, where the teacher imparts the theoretical concepts of the subject throughout the course.
2. Lessons for problems, where the exercises related to the theoretical content explained in each topic are solved and new exercises are proposed so that the student can solve them outside of the school hours. The aim of these exercises is to reinforce the theoretical concepts so that they can be applied in a more practical environment. These problems are solved partially or completely in later classes, so that the student can verify their progress in learning.

With the activities carried out during the semester, students acquire the necessary knowledge to face the theoretical final exam of the subject that is based on the resolution of a challenge where students will apply the latest technologies used by the telecommunications operators.


The evaluation of the subject is done following these activities:
A. Final Theoretical Exam.
B. Midterm Exercise.

Evaluation Criteria

During the course, a theoretical Final Exam is carried out (60% of the final grade). This theoretical exam is composed of exercises based on real cases. This exam allows you to assess the ability of written communication and the ability to analyze and synthesize, along with knowledge about the area of ​​study and the ability to apply knowledge to the proposed exercises. The student also develops an exercise for the midterm week (40% of the final grade).

To pass the subject it is necessary that the final grade is equal or greater than 5.

Basic Bibliography

- Apunts de Xarxes de Banda Ampla, Enginyeria i Arquitectura La Salle
- `Guia d´estudi de Xarxes de Banda Ampla´, A. Vallejo, Enginyeria i Arquitectura La Salle, 2011.

Additional Material

- MINOLI, Daniel. Telecommunications technology handbook. Artech House, 2003.
- STALLINGS, William. Comunicaciones y redes de computadores. Pearson Educación, 2004.