There are no prerequisites.
Students acquire the knowledge and develop the skills indicated below:
1. Master the concept of network, its architecture, deployment and services
2. Know the concepts and strategies of routing, planning and sizing of networks
3. Local network technologies and design
4. Intranet design and implementation
5. Analysis, diagnosis and resolution of network problems
6. Architecture and infrastructure of networks and telematic services
1. Introduction to Data Networks
2. Local Area Networks
3. Ethernet networks
4. Network level
5. IP Routing
6. Virtual Local Area Networks ( VLANs )
7. IPv6
8. Transport level
9. Address Translation
10. Application level
The usual dynamics of each class will consist of a combination of theoretical explanations always followed by the performance of exercises that exemplify what has just been explained.
During the course, practices are carried out so that students apply the knowledge taught in theory classes. In these practical sessions, the teacher encourages group work, a critical spirit and the ability to solve problems methodically and clarifies any doubts that arise during the sessions.
See electronic folder of the subject.
See electronic folder of the subject.
See electronic folder of the subject.
See electronic folder of the subject.