Degree in Audiovisual Engineering

Degree in Audiovisual Systems Engineering

Receive training with a University Degree and become a qualified Engineer in Audio visual Engineering, specialised in Audio and Image

Multimedia Production I

With the digitalization and the presence of the Internet the presence of audiovisual media has been increasing exponentially. The visualization of images and videos have gained presence with respect to written documents. It is for this reason that the creation of a good audiovisual has become key in transmitting an idea or reflecting a feeling. Currently the videos can move masses, change preset ideas or question others. That is why, as a multimedia engineer, it is very important to know how to create an audiovisual that knows how to transmit a certain idea. During this course the student will receive enough knowledge to be able, together with a team, to create and disseminate a particular idea from an audiovisual. Therefore the student must know how to work in a team and know and acquire the roles of an audiovisual production.
Type Subject

Titular Professors

Professor - mentor
Previous Knowledge

Basic knowledge of Photography and audiovisual language.


The Learning Results of this subject are:

RA.01 The methodology of structuring, modularization and planning of software projects aimed at the creation of interactive multimedia materials is known. (GM, TG)
RA.02 High level visual programming tools, based on scripting languages, are handled. (GM)
RA.03 Identify, formulate and solve usability problems in multidisciplinary environments, both in teams and individually. (TG)
RA.04 Understanding the impact of usability in work processes and society. (TG)
RA.05 Basic fundamentals of production, Equipment, audio and video recording, configurations and postproduction. (TG)
GM: Degree in Multimedia Engineering
TG: Degree in engineering at OTIC
med at the creation of an interactive multimedia materials .


• Stages and roles of audiovisual production
o Preproduction
o Production
o Postproduction
• Preproduction
o Casting
o Locations, plates and order of shooting
o Photo and Prophecy
• Production
o Elements of a production
o The camera, the continuity and the sound
• Postproduction
o Assembly
o Edition
o Colorimetry
o Virtual Camera
o Lights and animations
o Chroma, masks and rotoscopy
o Trackers and stabilizers
o Programming and particles
o 3D integration
• Transmedia
o Narratfive
o 2D Animation


D1. Peer Instruction
During the classes the teacher presents a series of concepts and the students have to look for their description individually and put it in common with the rest of the class. Finally, the teacher through a test evaluates whether these concepts have been acquired satisfactorily.

D2. Classes of problems and exercises
The classes of problems and exercises will have a duration of 30 hours that will be devoted to practice the concepts seen during the theoretical classes.

D3. Laboratory practices
The laboratory practices will be done in the Medialab and basically they will be based on recording the chroma of the audiovisual. These practices will be carried out during a specific week of the second semester where students will be able to choose the schedule that best suits them.

D4. Project Based Learning
During all non-attendance hours, students must complete an audiovisual short film. This project is divided into 9 deliveries that students will have to do depending on their role (2 deliveries per student and group delivery). At the end of the last installment the audiovisual should be finished.


SA1. Exams
SA2. Exercises, problems and practices
SA3. Project

Evaluation Criteria

• To pass the course, all deliveries must be made and approved by a 5.
• Any copy, in examination, exercise, practice or project will be considered highly significant for what the student who makes the copy will have 0 in the ordinary call and will lose the extraordinary call for what will have to repeat the subject.
• Students who complete all the deliveries late and do not present the short film on the last day of class can only aspire to a 5.
• Students who do not present short films on the last day of class will be penalized with 20% of the note referring to the SA3.

Basic Bibliography
Additional Material