Degree in Audiovisual Engineering

Degree in Audiovisual Systems Engineering

Receive training with a University Degree and become a qualified Engineer in Audio visual Engineering, specialised in Audio and Image

Audiovisual Production

The "Audiovisual Production" course is intended to show the students which equipment, tools and resources are necessary for an audiovisual production and how these work. Step by step, the operation of all the machinery and roles involved in an audiovisual production will be explained and also which function they assume. In order to give the student a practical point of view and get him closer to the contents of the course, a complete and guided audiovisual project has to be developed parallel to the lectures where the student will have the opportunity to apply all his theatrical knowledge to a real world situation and get a feeling for the operation of equipment and the functions that have to be executed for an audiovisual production.
Type Subject
Tercer - Obligatoria

Titular Professors

Previous Knowledge

It is strongly recommended that students have basic knwoledge of Electronics, thus having passed "Fundamentals of Electronics" course.


1. The camera
1.1. Introducition
1.2. Camera types
1.3. Description of each part of a camera
1.4. Camera holders

2. Audio production
2.1. Introduction
2.2. Microphones: types and usage
2.3. Preamps

3. On-set video production
3.1. Video mixer
3.2. Technical control room
3.3. Lightning
3.4. Setups

4. Video postproduction
4.1. Introduction
4.2. Time Code
4.3. Features of an editing system
4.4. Classification of editing systems
4.5. Non-linear editing systems

5. Audio postproduction
5.1. The Recording/postproduction Studio
5.2. Audio mixers
5.3. Fundamentals of digital audio
5.4. Audio processing
5.5. Editing techniques


Practices and theory must be passed separately; once both parts are passed, the subject´s final grade is obtained this way:
Final = 50% theory + 50% practices
In order to pass the practices it is necessary to hand in the practices required before the deadlines. With all the practices handed in correctly, the practices grade will be:

Practices = 10% P1 + 25% P2 + 25% P3 + 40% P4

For the theory, each subject´s term must be passed separately (>5). The grade for each term is obtained as following:

Semester_note = 30% CE + 70% Half-yearly exam

The grade for the CE is obtained from the midterm exam and two more grades of works required along the semester.
If the student doesn´t follow the CE, the term´s final grade will be directly the grade of the exam.
If the student does follow the CE, the final grade will be the higher grade between the half-yearly exam grade and the average grade acquired from the EC and the exam. In this case the average will be done form a 3.5 in the exam

Evaluation Criteria
Basic Bibliography

Lecture notes and documentation provided by the lecturers

Additional Material

José Martínez Abadía, `Introducción a la tecnología audiovisual´, Ed. Paidós Comunicación
Llorenç Soler, `La televisión, una metodología para su aprendizaje´, Ed. G.Gili.
Gordon White, `Técnicas del Vídeo´, IORTV
Gerald Millerson, `Técnicas de realización y producción en televisión´ IORTV
Handbook for Sound Engineers 3rd Edition, Glen M. Ballou, Focal Press
The Art of Digital Audio 3rd Edition, John Watkinson, Focal Press