Titular Professors
Basic knowledge about statistics and probability.
Basic knowledge about calculus.
The learning outcome to be achieved by the students who attend this course is as follows:
- Be able to manage budgets for decision making, accounting for planning, budgeting, cost of products.
To achieve the above learning outcome, students should:
- Understand the different parts involved in a decision analysis process and the ideas in which they are based.
- Apply basic tools for solving decision analysis problems under certainty.
- Differentiate and solve decision analysis problems under uncertainty and under risk conditions.
- Introduce the student to the games theory.
-1. Introduction. How people make decisions involving multiple objectives.
-2. Aided decision maker with no uncertainty: SMARTER, EVEN SWAP and AHP.
-3. Introduction to probability.
-4. Decision making under uncertainty.
-5. Decision making under risk.
-6. Sequential decisions: probability trees.
The training activities that are used in the course are:
- Presential lectures about basic concepts and procedures.
- lab work.
- Dedication to the lab work.
- Personal work and study.
- Evaluations
Evaluation activities which are used in the course are:
- Exams
- Continuous assessment controls and class exercises.
- Reports on exercises about cases.
- Participation in group dynamics.
- Reports and personal or group work.
The evaluation of the course consists of:
- Final exam (mandatory)
- Group work (mandatory)
- Individual work (mandatory)
- Midterm exam.
- Homework.
- Class attendance and participation.
- Class slides and other materials (articles, papers...). Posted on 'eStudy'.
- 'Decision Analysis for management judgement'. Paul Goodwin and George Wright. John Wiley and Sons.