Degree in Health Engineering La Salle Campus Barcelona

Degree in Health Engineering

Lead the technological advances that will define the medicine of the future.

Personalized medicine

Through Personalized Medicine, students will acquire the necessary knowledge to integrate advanced biomedical technologies and engineering methodologies into the design and implementation of treatments tailored to the specific needs of each patient. Additionally, advances in genomics, proteomics, and other molecular technologies that form the basis of personalized medicine will be examined. Emphasis will be placed on data integration and the development of health information systems for more precise and personalized decision-making in medical practice.
Type Subject
Tercer - Obligatoria
Previous Knowledge

Students acquire the following knowledge and develop the following skills:
1. Understand that the genetic characteristics of individuals explain a significant portion of interindividual variability.
2. Know how to evaluate the physiological processes specific to each individual to carry out individualized therapeutic approaches.


1. Introduction to omics. Genetic information. Relationship between genetics and health.
2. The human genome and susceptibility to disease: polymorphisms, rare variants, and mutations.
3. Genetic variants as a tool for studying causal relationships: genome-wide association studies and Mendelian randomization studies.
4. Applications in research and clinical practice. Databases.


The Personalized Medicine course is taught using a variety of teaching methodologies, including lectures to convey the fundamental theoretical concepts of the course, problem-based learning, and practical sessions where challenges related to data management in the field of personalized medicine are presented and solved through individual or group activities.


Check the electronic folder for the course.

Evaluation Criteria
Basic Bibliography

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Additional Material

Check the electronic folder for the course.