Degree in Management of Business and Technology La Salle Campus Barcelona

Degree in Management of Business and Technology

Internationality, technology, innovation, creativity, entrepreneurship, values, and both people and team management are the keys to define this degree. Includes international stages.

Sports marketing

This course will provide a current overview of several facets of the sports marketing industry, including: athlete representation/management, marketing of clients and events, industry structure, sponsorship, strategy and broadcasting. It will incorporate and reinforce the skills/concepts that you have learned throughout the year, while increasing your knowledge and perspective on the world of sports marketing. The sports industry is extremely diverse, in that it covers everything from professional to leisure sports, individual and team sports, big events such as the Olympic Games to local events and athlete representation among other topics. There is a great deal of material to be reviewed in this area of study, and we will attempt to cover as much as possible during the semester!
Type Subject
Previous Knowledge

Learning Outcomes of this subject are:
- CriticalThinking.
- Basic theoretical knowledge of the subject. Problem-solving skills.
- Teamwork.
- Intrapersonal knowledge and development. Interpersonal skills.
- Creativity.
- A search for quality excellence.
- Self Motivation.
- Generative learning.


1. Introduction to course, content and overview
2. Athlete Representation (I)- Lecture & case discussion
3. The Agency Model (I) - Overview of sports agencies
4. Marketing an Athlete (I) - Oral Presentation & debate: Maria Sharapova discussion and overview
5. International Expansion/Global Marketing (I) - Comparison of FC Barcelona to NFL
6. Sports Events (I) - Overview and discussion of different facets of sports events
8. Sponsorship (I) - Lecture & discussion of sports sponsorship and activation
9. NCAA - Overview of the NCAA and collegiate athletics as an industry
10. Coaching Motivation (I) - What makes a successful coach? Lecture & discussion
11. Sports and Television Rights (I) - The impact of TV rights on the Industry
12. ESports - In-class discussion on different ESports leagues and competitions
13. Growing Leagues (I) - Discussion on Major League Soccer (MLS) and ESports


The learning experience is based on a range of teaching methods that seek to foster your understanding of the communication loop and the development of your communication skills. A hands-on approach is crucial throughout the course with out-of-class readings, assignments and exercises; teamwork activities, assignments and exercises; individual and group presentations; in class activities, exercises and discussions.


The Course grade will be based on the following point breakdown:

20% Quality participation, attitude, daily in & out-of-class effort, rich feedback provided & proof of readings assigned.
25% In & out-of-class exercises, activities and assignments
25% Mid Term evaluation
30% Final Exam/Project
Prerequisite to pass this course is to meet the minimum of 25% in the final exam and a minimum of 35% in the other parts together.

If a student fails the subject they will be required to re-take part(s) of the subject based on the professor’s evaluation
of the student’s performance. Any re-take will be as demanding as the regular course evaluation.

Evaluation Criteria
Basic Bibliography

Harvard Business School Case Studies:

"Maria Sharapova, Marketing a Champion, Part A and B" (Anita Elberse; Margarita Golod, 2010, 24 pages)
"A-Rod, Signing the Best Player in Baseball" (Randolph Coher; Jason Wallace, 2003, 14 pages)
"International Management Group (IMG)" (Bharat Anand; Kate Attea, 2002, 23 pages)
"Futbol Club Barcelona" (Anita Elberse, 2017, 27 pages)
"The Globalization of the NFL" (Mark Furey, 2012, 17 pages)
"Red Bull" (Richard Johnson; Paul W. Farris; Jordan Mitchell, 2016, 12 pages)
"Sir Alex Ferguson: Managing Manchester United" (Anita Elberse; Thomas Dye, 2012. 25 pages)
"The London 2012 Olympic Games" (John T. Gourville; Marco Bertini, 2011. 18 pages)
"Major League Soccer: Past, Present and Future" (Sebastien Arcand; Jerome Bilodeau; Joseph Facal, 2016. 22 pages)

Additional Material