Degree in Health Engineering La Salle Campus Barcelona

Degree in Health Engineering

Lead the technological advances that will define the medicine of the future.

Computational logic

The subject aims to introduce the student to the operation of digital systems and especially to the architecture of computers. First, Boolean algebra is studied to understand the binary representation of information. Next, the combinational systems and binary arithmetic used for the implementation of the most basic digital devices are presented. Finally, memorization systems and sequential systems are explained. This syllabus aims to introduce the student to the design and analysis of digital systems.
Type Subject
Tercer - Obligatoria
Previous Knowledge

Not required


Students acquire the knowledge and develop the skills indicated below:
1. Master the basic concepts of logic families and electronic devices, as well as their application to solve engineering problems.
2. Have knowledge of the entire digital world and its components, as well as how to design digital systems based on the statement of a problem in real terms, to practice connecting systems, evaluating the response of different elements, signals and components.


1. Numerical representation systems.
2. Boolean algebra and logic gates.
3. Logic circuits and combinational functional blocks.
4. Binary arithmetic.
5. Memorization elements.
6. Records.
7. Accountants.
8. Synchronous sequential systems.
9. Memories.


The methodology used in the subject combines master classes with flipped classes . classroom ), as well as a high number of continuous evaluation exercises that the student must solve alone or with the help of classmates or the subject's teaching team. The content acquired in face-to-face classes is reinforced by carrying out several practices in groups, which are delivered during the course.


See electronic folder of the subject.

Evaluation Criteria

See electronic folder of the subject.

Basic Bibliography

See electronic folder of the subject.

Additional Material

See electronic folder of the subject.