Degree in Telecommunications Systems Engineering

Receive training and become a Telecommunication engineer developing your career in a growing sector

Electrical and Telecommunication Infrastructures

This subject is divided in two completely different parts that at the time are complementary. The first part (electric infrastructures and energetic saving installations) focuses in everything related to electric installations working with medium and low voltage, which is defined in the Low Voltage Electrotechnics Code (REBT-2002): elements that make up a wiring (power-conductors, cable wireway, A.C. panels, switchboards…), the structure of those wirings and the necessary methods to calculate the correct size and selection of the electrical devices. It also includes an introduction to the home automation world and to the principal save systems that may be implemented in houses. The second part (infrastructure and telecommunications) focuses in studying the different parts of a building, the actual regulation for Common Telecommunications (ICT´s) infrastructures and what does it includes, and the future digital home adaptation. The explanation is focused in the regulation interpretation, the organisms that regulate it the regulation application in different kinds of buildings. All this is completed with a short description of the systems that are not included within the ICT but that are related. In both, the first and the second part, students will work with real cases.
Type Subject
Tercer - Obligatoria

Titular Professors

Previous Knowledge

Basic Electronics and Physics in Electronics


Students who do this subject achieve and develop the following knowledge:
- Know the basis of electronic and its regulation for electric installations working with medium and low voltage. (REBT)
- Know the foundation of the renewable energies and the energetic saving installations.
- Know the basic foundations of a civil construction related with the telecommunications infrastructures.
- Know how to design a project in reference to an electric installation working with low voltage.
- Know how to design an infrastructure project of common telecommunications (ICT)

The competences acquired with this subject and that are evaluated are:
- G-1: Analysis and synthesis capacity
- G-3: Basic knowledge of the studied area.
- G-8: Information management ability (ability to search and analyze information that comes from different sources)
- G-14: Team work
- G-22: Capacity to apply knowledge into practice.


1-. Electrical concepts
1.1-. Generation and distribution of electrical energy.
1.2-. Electrical energy consumption.
2-. Alternating Current
2.1-. Revision of concepts and analysis of alternating current circuits
3-. Multiphase Systems
3.1-. Biphase Systems
3.2-. Threephase Systems
3.3-. Power triangle
3.4-. Wye-delta connection
3.5-. Lag factor correction in an electric plant
4-. Electric plants and Low Voltage Electrotechnics Code
4.1-. Introduction
4.2-. Study of the Low Voltage Electrotechnics Code
4.3-. Maneuver tools and protection in electric plants
4.4-. Study and design of low voltage plants
5-. Magnetic fields concepts
5.1-. Current induced magnetic fields
5.2-. Ideal magnetic circuit with senoidal excitation
5.3-. Rotary magnetic fields
6-. Converters
6.1-. Construction and operation
6.2-. Primary and secondary currents
6.3-. Equivalent circuit vector diagram
6.4-. Kapp method
6.5-. Efficiency
6.6-. Threephase converters
6.7-. Compensator
7-. Synchronous machines
7.1-. Alternators
7.2-. Introduction
7.3-. Alternator operation
7.4-. Characteristics
7.5-. Voltage regulation
7.6-. Efficiency
8-. Asynchronous machines
8.1-. Induction or asynchronous motors
8.2-. Foundations
8.3-. Multiphase induction motors
8.4-. Motor torque
8.5-. Motor starting
8.6-. Velocity regulation
8.7-. Monophase induction motors
8.8-. Synchronous machines applications
9-. Industrial mechanization and domotics
9.1-. Introduction
9.2-. Industrial and domotics sensors and detectors
9.3-. Programmable Logic Controllers introduction


The methodology consists in combining theoretical explanations and execution of different works relating to the design of low voltage electrotechnic and telecommunications projects.


Relating to the 1st part (Electric infrastructures and energy saver installations), the evaluation of the different competences is done by:
- Participation in class.
- Personal or group assignments.
- Final project.

Relating to the 2nd part (Telecommunication infrastructures), the evaluation of the different competences is done by:
- Participation in class.
- Personal or group assignments.
- Final project.

The final grade is the arithmetical average of the two parts.

Evaluation Criteria

G-1: Analysis and synthesis capacity: Written exam; Expositions/Presentations; Works/group reports.
G-3: General basic knowledge about the study subject: Written exam; Expositions/Presentations; Works/group reports.
G-8: Information management abilities (ability to search and analyze information coming from different sources): Works/group reports
G-14: Team work: Expositions/Presentations; Works/Group reports
G-22: Capacity to put in practice the acquired knowledge: Expositions/Presentations; Works/Group reports

Basic Bibliography

1] Narciso Moreno y Ramón Cano. Instalaciones eléctricas de baja tensión. Ed. Thomson.
[2] Manual teórico-práctico. Schneider Electric.
[3] REBT-2002 y Guía Técnica.
[4] Alberto Sendín Escalona, ICT Normas Técnicas para el Acceso a los servicios de Telecomunicaciones, Ediciones Experiencia S.L., Barcelona, 2006.
[5] José Luis Fernández Carnero y Antonio Suárez Perdigon, Televisión y radio analógica y digital, Televés, Santiago de Compostela, 2004.
[6] Isidoro Berral Montero, Instalación de Antenas de TV, Thomson Paraninfo, Madrid, 2007.
[7] Real Decreto 401/2003, de 4 de abril.
[8] Real Decreto Ley 1/1998, de 27 de febrero.

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