Degree in Health Engineering La Salle Campus Barcelona

Degree in Health Engineering

Lead the technological advances that will define the medicine of the future.

Development support tools

Programming is a primarily practical science, and how most practical sciences are structured into projects. This is the premise from which the subject Development Support Tools starts. The objective of the subject is to delve deeper into the world of programming through the development of practices and projects that allow learning to be dynamic, practical, self-teaching and collaborative. The subject aims to provide the student with techniques and knowledge, both practical and theoretical, that allow them to face the world of programming with the necessary project management and development tools. The subject aims to use an eminently practical methodology to impart new knowledge. In this way, it will be common for theoretical knowledge to be accompanied by exercises, work and projects, both individual and in teams.
Type Subject
Primer - Obligatoria

Titular Professors

Previous Knowledge

Programming Fundamentals.


Students acquire the knowledge and develop the skills indicated below:
1. Provide the student with a set of tools that allow them to develop software more quickly and efficiently.
2. Provide the student with tools and skills for teamwork


1. Team project development tools.
2. Software testing and debugging.
3. Modular programming.
4. Files.
5. Linear data structures.
6. Recursion.
7. Sorting methods.


The classes of the Development Support Tools subject want to introduce the student to the methodologies and tools to successfully develop a programming project, both group and individual. The subject aims to introduce the student to the thinking necessary to plan, design, develop and validate programming projects, and provide them with knowledge of sufficient tools to be able to successfully achieve these objectives.
It is a subject mainly based on projects, accompanied by master classes complemented by workshops and in-class exercises, where the different concepts seen in the syllabus are applied.


See electronic folder of the subject.

Evaluation Criteria

See electronic folder of the subject.

Basic Bibliography

See electronic folder of the subject.

Additional Material

See electronic folder of the subject.