Degree in Audiovisual Engineering

Degree in Audiovisual Systems Engineering

Receive training with a University Degree and become a qualified Engineer in Audio visual Engineering, specialised in Audio and Image

Concept Design

The subject of Artistic Expression aims language learning as a visual code to produce quality visual messages. It provides students with the basic theoretical concepts for the reading of the image. Proposes exercises for the assimilation of the concepts and practice encourages critical analysis and exposure of the image.
Type Subject
Previous Knowledge



Understand the difference between art and design.
• Know the different tools: elements and principles of art and design.
• Know how to identify their meaning and effect.
• Be able to apply these tools in a series of exercises, homework, and practice exercises.
• Be able to construct various iterations for some exercises to continue honing their ideas with these artistic
• Learn to manipulate these tools tangibly limiting the use of digital tools to best train their bodies, hands and
ete to the needed quality of manual expression.
• Learn to receive and give constructive criticism to a group.
• Finally, apply these tools of elements and principles of art and design in the practice of creating a multimedia,
audiovisual narrative to express a message y way that is clear and memorable.

The learning results of this class are:
RA.01Acquired the needed knowledge about elements of art and design, as well as the ability to put them into
practice, analyzing them appropriately. (GM)
RA.02 They can analise any narrative within Audiovisual sector including cinema, video, multimedia interaction and
mainly publicity. (GM)


Through the different presentations you will see the following theoretical topics covered, some with more depth than
1. Self- Expression
2. Art and Design Theory
3. Elements& principless of Art& Design
4. Artistics Movements
5. Psicology& color theory, forms & light
6. Use of meterials
7. Finiding inspiration in our surroundings
8. Audiovisual Language


The learning methodology is directly the physical practice of artistic creation where students will have to use the
different tools and materials that visual artists use in a similar way. Students are required to experience and have the
physical experience of creation both individually and as a team (if the health situation allows, otherwise it will be


The final grade of the course will be calculated from the different works delivered, both by eStudy and in person. This
course has no semester exam. To pass the semester they must have a minimum of 5.

Evaluation Criteria
Basic Bibliography

ARNHEIM, Rudolph. Arte y percepción visual. Ed. Alianza Forma.
DONDIS, D. A. La sintaxis de la imagen. Introducción al alfabeto visual. Editorial Gustavo Gili Diseño.
LUPTON, E. Diseño gráfico: Nuevos fundamentos. Editorial Gustavo Gili.
MULLER-BROCKMANN. Sistemas de retículas. Editorial Gustavo Gili.
WONG, Wucius. Principios del diseño en color. Diseñar con colores electrónicos. Ed. Gustavo Gili Diseño.

Additional Material