Degree in Design and Creation of Interactive Products La Salle Campus Barcelona

Degree in Design and Creation of Interactive Products

Career and technology

The subject of Career and Technology responds to the demand for professionals with multidisciplinary training prepared to work in a global world with the appropriate tools and an entrepreneurial mindset. The program is taught exclusively in English with the goal of improving language skills and helping students express themselves easily in a professional environment in the technology sector.
Type Subject

Titular Professors

Previous Knowledge

Learning Outcomes of this subject are:
RA.01 Achieve the necessary knowledge to obtain the B2 level certification of English.
RA.02 Be prepared to complete subjects in English.


The subject is divided in four main areas to help students build a project proposal that can suit their career goals and self-presentation. Area 1 focuses on Self-presentation; Area 2 is about ideation and research; area 3 is about project management; and Area 4 centers on presentation refinement. English language content will be embedded throughout the coursework.

Topic 1
Welcome and Introduction to the course
Topic 2
Build a CV and cover letter
Topic 3
The interview process
Topic 4
Oral and written presentation techniques
Topic 5
Understand market trends and prepare a proposal
Topic 6
Compilation of customer statistics
Topic 7
Brainstorming and first draft proposal
Topic 8
Presentation on the ideation of the proposal
Topic 9
Basic concepts of project management
Topic 10
Managing teams
Topic 11
Intercultural communication skills
Topic 12
Business Model Canvas (BMC)
Topic 13
Risk management and MVP
Topic 14
Proposal preparation, elevator pitch, refinement of ideas
Topic 15
Final presentation, delivery of the report


A hands-on approach is taken throughout the course with out-of-class readings, assignments and exercises; teamwork activities; individual and group presentations; exercises and discussions.


In order to assess each of the competencies, the following types of assessment are included in the grading system:

Exams – 15%
Practice Presentations – 35%
Class Exercises – 25%
Attendance and Participation in Class – 10%
Homework – 15%

A minimum grade of 5 is required to pass the course. Students who do not meet this requirement will go directly to the make-up exam. The make-up exam comprises two parts: an oral presentation (50%) and a written report (50%).

Evaluation Criteria
Basic Bibliography

• “Redefining Leadership for a Digital Age,” by Rainer Neubauer, Andrew Tarling and Michael Wade, IMD, 2017.
• Blitzscaling: The Lightening-Fast Path To Building Massively Valuable Companies, by Reid Hoffman and Chris Yeh, 2018.
• The Culture Map: Decoding How People Think, Lead, and Get Things Done Across Cultures, by Erin Meyer, 2014.

Additional Material