Degree in Design and Creation of Interactive Products La Salle Campus Barcelona

Degree in Design and Creation of Interactive Products

Animation I

The subject aims for the student to gain knowledge in the basic foundations of animation both in elements and of characters in 3d During the semester he will work on the modeling of characters with the necessary techniques to be able to texturize and illuminate and render The student will have a global understanding of the 3d modeling process, whether in animation, 3d printing or video games
Type Subject
Primer - Obligatoria

Titular Professors

Previous Knowledge

Learning the rules and basic of animation and it's application through a 3D software.
The objectives of this signature are:
RA.01 To learn software tools of animation, environment and geometric objects in 3D.
RA.02 To learn the usage rules of cameras, animation, lights and materials into virtual generated elements made by
computer with 3D modeling tools.
RA.03 To offer knowledge on how to search information that was not imparted in class.
RA.04: Learn to make storytelling for audiovisual production.
RA.05 To offer knowledge to present correctly personal work.
Ra.06 Learn tools for the creation 3D animations.


Introduction to animation:
Basic animation in 3D.
The rules of animation and how to create movement.
Learn storytelling, make them visual trough grafic digital elements.
Biological and mechanical movement simulation
Creating stories, visualization of stories, narrative optimization in movement.
Introduction to 3D:
Autodesk 3D MAX.
Interface, tools, menus, shortcuts, creation.
Creation of the animation and video export.
Introduction and proposal of personal projects:
Story, storyboard, cinematic, screenplay, cameras.
Follow-up of personal projects:
Direction, scenes, visual efects, audio and music efects, video export.


D1 Theory classes
D2 Exercise classes and exercises
D3 Practices


Passing SA1 SA2 SA3 SA4 is mandatory in order to compute the final mark
All exercices, practices, projects and other tasks must be done individually
Presenting or copying work done by others is totally forbidden and it will be considered a serious fault
SA1 Exams
The subject will have 2 exams and will evaluate the level reached from lessons content
SA2 Exercices and practices
There will be different tasks and exercices that will have to be presented for a correct follow-up
No exercise will be accepted for submission after deadline. Exercise submission is mandatory for passing the subject
Failing or not submiting the exercises on time during the course will result as making a recuperation exam where all
the non approved exercices will have to be submited . The máximum mark in this case will be 5 over 10
SA3. Final Project
The final project will have to show the contents explained during the course
SA4. Portfolio
This portfolio will have to document by using images and explanations the steps followed for the Final Project
execution as well as the final rendered images showing off the character created

Evaluation Criteria

SA1 Exams 10%
SA2 Exercises, problems and practices 45%
SA3 Final Project 40%
SA4 Portfolio 5%

Basic Bibliography

ilusion of life de Disney
The art of Pixar
Ed Catmull. Creatividad S.A. Como llevar la inspiración hasta el infinito y más allá. Conecta.
Animator’s Survival Kit –Richard Williams
The Art of 3d computer animation and effects –Isaac Kerlow

Additional Material