Master of Science in Philosophy and Contemporary Debates on Arts and Technology la salle campus barcelona

Master of Science in Philosophy and Contemporary Debates on Arts and Technology

Be a Contemporary Thinker: An oasis of reflection and freedom to think about today's world.

Tecnología, economía y sociedad

Our societies are advancing by leaps and bounds towards greater technological complexity. This means entering into an increasingly technological conception of social life and personal relationships. In this course we will focus on the anthropological revolution that some of these technological projections represent for the idea of ​​the human being, placing special emphasis on transhumanist aspirations to control human vulnerability and eradicate one of its greatest expressions: our mortal condition. Likewise, the course will explore the implications that certain technical developments have on environmental sustainability and what philosophical elements we have to counteract them. Finally, the impact that this fundamental human anthropological reflection can have on some issues related to the philosophy of economics and the corporate social responsibility of organizations (CSR) will be explored.
Type Subject
Previous Knowledge

Not required.


- To delve deeper into philosophical reflection on the human being.
- To explore the idea of ​​vulnerability as an essential and relational constituent of the human experience.
- To learn about the positions of transhumanism in relation to the idea of ​​being human, especially its relationship with the idea of ​​finitude and death.
- To delve deeper into the concept of human relational “responsibility” in the debate on the environment and its sustainability.
- To delve deeper into the human relational notion in the reflection on the economy.


1. Vulnerability: a radical experience of the human condition.
2. Transcending vulnerability: Transhumanism.
3. Descending to common vulnerability: Posthumanism.
4. Relationality and environmental and organizational responsibility.


The course will be taught in face-to-face sessions in which the topics of the course will be addressed in a participatory and dialogical manner.


Ordinary session: In order to be assessed in the ordinary session, all the activities subject to assessment must have been completed. The assessable activities must be handed in on the dates indicated by the teaching staff. If an activity subject to assessment has not been handed in or completed, it will be recorded in the minutes as "Not submitted" in the session.

Extraordinary session: The assessment criteria are the same as in the ordinary session, so all the assessment activities considered in the course must be submitted. The grades for the activities completed will be kept, pending the completion of the pending activities. In this assessment, the same weighting criteria will be applied as in the ordinary assessment.

Evaluation Criteria

- Attendance and active participation in the sessions and activities of the course. (20%).
- Readings and critical work on the texts that will be proposed. (20%).
- Oral presentation of a critical reflection on a topic related to the blocks of the course. The characteristics of the exercise will be specified in the first sessions of the subject. (60%).
- The use of AI tools is prohibited in the different activities of the course.

Basic Bibliography

R. Braidotti, Lo posthumano (Gedisa, Barcelona, 2015).
E. Cassirer, Antropología filosófica. Introducción a una filosofía de la cultura (FCE, México, 2016).
R. F. Crespo, Filosofía de la economía (Pamplona, EUNSA, 2012).
A. Diéguez, Transhumanismo (Herder, Barcelona, 2017).
H. Jonas, El principio responsabilidad (Herder, Barcelona, 1995).
O. Krüger, Virtual Immortality. God, Evolution, and the Singularity in Post- and Transhumanism (Transcript, Bielefeld, 2021).
F. Lara y J. Savulescu (eds.), Más (que) humanos. Biotecnología, inteligencia artificial y ética de la mejora (Tecnos, Madrid, 2021).
C. Pelluchon, Ética de la consideración (Herder, Barcelona, 2023).
R. Redecker, Egobody. La fábrica del hombre nuevo (FCE, Bogotá, 2014).
M. Seguró, Vulnerabilidad (Herder, Barcelona, 2021).

Additional Material

It will be indicated throughout the course.