Degree in International Computer Engineering La Salle Campus Barcelona

Degree in International Computer Engineering

La Salle Degree s in Computer Engineering, is the only Degree program in Barcelona which equips you with the skills and knowledge needed to meet the new international demands of the computer engineering sector and of the global business world.

Knowledge Based Systems

The objective of the subject is that the student acquires the theoretical fundaments and the practical abilities to be capable to develop a knowledge-based system. When this subject finishes, the student will be able to compile and represent a problem´s knowledge, and to develop or adapt existent motors to reason about problems and solve them. All this is tackled with the methodological support of engineering software, and the most extended implementations based in inference motors. When the course is over, the student will be able to: - Understand the roll that the knowledge-based systems have in the society, and when they can be applied and when they can´t. - Know what the knowledge engineering is, the stages that have to be followed in order to face a problem where the knowledge of an expert is necessary. - Identify a problem based in a search and how to apply the principal algorithms for blind search, heuristic search, local search and search based in restrictions to deal with it. - Understand what a planning problem is and what strategies have to be used to solve it. - Know the principal aspects that have to be taken into account when extracting information from knowledge. - Represent and organize the expert´s knowledge. - Use the information and the knowledge strategically since the information and knowledge management. - Know the general architecture of the knowledge-based systems in order to propose new systems and use third person´s systems.
Type Subject
Tercer - Obligatoria

Titular Professors


G-1. Capacity to analyze and synthesize conceptual frameworks to generate new knowledge.

G-2. Capacity to organize and to plan the application of new knowledge.

G-3. General basic knowledge about the study area.

G-5. Oral and written communication in the own language.

G-6. Acquire knowledge of a second language.

G-8. Acquire abilities of information management (ability to search and analyze information coming from different sources).

G-9. Problem solving.

G-10. Decision making.

G-11. Basic knowledge of the education field.

G-14. Team work

G-22. Capacity to apply knowledge to practice.

G-23. Acquire research abilities.

G-24. Capacity to develop new learning strategies.

G-26. Generate new ideas (creativity).

E-1. Learn in an autonomous way new knowledge and techniques for the conception, development or exploitation of the informatics systems.

E-4. Create and carry out informatics projects using engineering´s principles and methodologies.

E-8. Create, develop and maintain software systems and applications using different software engineering methods and programming languages according to the kind of application that will be developed maintaining the demanded quality levels.


Chapter 1 - Introduction. The definition of a knowledge-based system and the role they have in the different approaches to the artificial intelligence are introduced. Also an introduction about how to deal with this kind of systems through an approximation to the knowledge engineering is made.

Chapter 2 - Solving search-based problems. Some problems do not require systems that manage a lot of knowledge, but require strategies to find a solution. This chapter tackles the principal research strategies based in blind search, heuristic search, restriction-based search and local search. Besides, the planning problems are introduced as a search problem.

Chapter 3 - Knowledge and reasoning. The different alternatives, from the most formal and classic to the most structured, to represent knowledge are described such as the mechanisms that have to be taken into account when reasoning about a knowledge basis that might have an uncertain, incomplete or not monotonous knowledge. Finally, the principal challenges of extracting knowledge form something external in order to build the basis of knowledge are defined and the different strategies and practices to acquire it are established.

Chapter 4 - Study case: Rules-based systems. Once the knowledge of an area is formalized and organized, the next step is to develop strategies to solve the problem. This point describes the general architecture of the knowledge-based systems and, concretely, a detailed description of the ruled-based systems is explained since the Jess environment.


The methodology that is used in this subject separate the classes in two: the theoretical and the practical.

The professor teaches along the course theoretical concepts through magisterial classes. During these classes he solves exercises that apply directly the explained concepts. The proportion of the time dedicated to each part is approximately 50% to the explanation and the other 50% to the problem solving.

At the end of each theme, the professor proposes some exercises to be solved by the students individually or in groups. During this time and with the professor´s help, students may solve these exercises, finish them at home and hand in them optionally to the professor.

There are 35 practical hours outside class time that are dedicated to practice the acquired knowledge during theoretical classes. Students divided in pairs carry out works where a big domain and comprehension of the theory explained in classes is required to design, implement, simulate and evaluate real applications form some specifications defined by the professor. Every work is evaluated by a practical demonstration and an interview with the professor in other to evaluate the cooperation of each member of the group. The best works will be presented in class and will have extra points as a reward of the effort of the group members.


The subject is divided in two clearly different parts: a theoretical and a practical. Each part is evaluated separately and each one has to be passed with a grade higher than or equal to 5 to pass the subject. The final grade is the sum of the theoretical grade (50%) and the practical grade (50%).

Final grade = 50% theoretical grade + 50% practical grade

By the other hand, the theoretical grade is calculated through a continuous evaluation and the final exam grade. The continuous evaluation is calculated with the work and participation in class and the exercises that the professor will be asking to do along the sessions. Each student must choose between doing the continuous evaluation or not. In this last case, the final exam grade will be the only one to be taken into account. It´s also important to say that the continuous evaluation will only be considered if the exam´s grade is higher than or equal to 3,5.

Theoretical part evaluation:

A. Exams
D. Homework
J. Participation in class

Theoretical grade = Maximum (Exam, 70% exam + 30% continuous evaluation)

By the other hand, the practical note is calculated through the practical work done by the students. It has to be handed in to the professor before the deadline. For each delayed day, they will have a penalization of one point in their practical grade. This grade depends of the quality, methodology, functionality and the exposition in front of the professor. Besides, the best practical work will have an additional point in the final practical grade.

Practical part evaluation:
F. Reports/works done in groups
G. Practical works done with the computer
I. Presentations.

Additional comments:
- It is indispensable to hand in and approve the practical part to take the theoretical exam.
- The grade of the extraordinary exam will be of maximum 8.
- In the extraordinary exam, the continuous evaluation is not taken into account.
- If a student has not taken the theoretical exam or has not handed in the practical part, the grade will appear as NP (Not presented).

Evaluation Criteria

G-1. Capacity to analyze and synthesize conceptual frameworks to generate new knowledge [A, D].

G-2. Capacity to organize and to plan the application of new knowledge [F, G].

G-3. General basic knowledge about the study area [A, D, J].

G-5. Oral and written communication in the own language [D, I].

G-6. Acquire knowledge of a second language [D].

G-8. Acquire abilities of information management (ability to search and analyze information coming from different sources) [D, F, G].

G-9. Problem solving [D, F, G].

G-10. Decision making [D, F, G].

G-11. Basic knowledge of the education field [A].

G-14. Team work [F, G, I].

G-22. Capacity to apply knowledge to practice [D, F, G].

G-23. Acquire research abilities [D].

G-24. Capacity to develop new learning strategies [D, F, G].

G-26. Generate new ideas (creativity) [D, F, G].

E-1. Learn in an autonomous way new knowledge and techniques for the conception, development or exploitation of the informatics systems [A].

E-4. Create and carry out informatics projects using engineering´s principles and methodologies [F, G].

E-8. Create, develop and maintain software systems and applications using different software engineering methods and programming languages according to the kind of application that will be developed maintaining the demanded quality levels [F, G].

Basic Bibliography

S. Russell, P. Norvig. Artificial Intelligence: a Modern Approach, 3rd ed. Pearson Higher Education, 2010.

M. Negnevitsky, Artificial Intelligence, A Guide to Intelligent Systems. Addison Wesley, 2002.

E. Friedman Hill. Jess in Action. Ernest Friedman-Hill, Manning, 2003

Additional Material

J. González y D. D. Dankel, The Engineering of Knowledge Based Systems. Theory and Practice. Prentice Hall, 2000.

D. Poole, A. Mackworth, R. Goebel. Computational Intelligence: a Logical Approach. Oxford University Press, 1998.

Kott and W. M. McEneaney, Adversarial Reasoning: Computational Approaches to Reading the Opponent's. Chapman and Hall, 2006

G. Luger. Artificial Intelligence: Structures and Strategies for Complex Problem Solving, 5th edition. Addison Wesley, 2005

T. Frühwirth, S. Abdennadher, Essentials of Constraint Programming, Springer, 2003.

P. Traverso, Automated Planning: Theory & Practice . The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Artificial Intelligence, Morgan Kaufmann, 2003

D. S. Weld, An Introduction to Least Commitment Planning. AI Magazine, Volume 15(4), p. 27-61, 1994.

J. F. Sowa. Knowledge Representation. Brooks/Cole, 2000.

M. Mozota, Lògica matemàtica i programació lògica, LaSalleOnLine Enginyers 2009.

H. J. Levesque and G. Lakemeyer. The Logic of Knowledge Bases. MIT Press (2001)

P. Seibel, Practical Common Lisp, Apress, 2005

W. F. Clocksin y C. S. Mellish . Programming in Prolog: Using the ISO Standard. Springer, 2003

J.L. Maté Hernández and J. Pazos Sierra, Ingeniería del Conocimiento. Diseño y construcción de sistemas expertos (Ed. SEPA), 2005.

E. Feigenbaum, The art of artificial intelligence: themes and case studies of knowledge engineering, in Proceedings of the 5th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Cambridge, Mass, 1977, 1014-1029.

H. Reichgelt, Knowledge Representation: An Ai Perspective, Ablex Pub, 1991.

N. F. Noy and D. L. McGuinness. Ontology Development 101 A Guide to Creating Your First Ontology, Stanford University, 2005.

The Protégé Ontology Editor and Knowledge Acquisition System,, Stanford University, 2011.

E. Rich, Artificial Intelligence, McGraw-Hill Science, 1991

R. Brachman, Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, Morgan Kaufmann, 2004