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Principles of Operations

DESCRIPTION This course emphasizes the strategic, tactical, and operational planning aspects of operations management, by reviewing the concepts and analytical methods that are useful in understanding the management of a firm's operations. It provides an overview of Operations Management, and focuses on the core processes of a firm, with a special interest in where value is added in the organizational processes. Our aim is to familiarize students with the problems and issues confronting operations managers, and provide them with language, concepts, insights and tools to deal with these issues in order to gain competitive advantage through operations.
Type Subject
Tercer - Obligatoria
Previous Knowledge

The objectives of this course are:

- To learn basic concepts of operations, inventory and distribution management, based on theories and applying them to practical examples.
- To identify how improved efficiency in operations is a key driver to achieving better financial results.

Learning Outcomes:

- To describe service and production systems
- To discuss the role of OM in a wide variety of organizations, and its relationship with other key internal departments.
- Use quantitative techniques to solve operational problems: ABC classification, MRP, Safety stock, EOQ, etc.


AGENDA FOR THE SESSIONS: Below you can find a tentative schedule, subject to change if needed.

Sessions 1-3 Objective: Introduction to Operations Management

Course and teacher presentation, and a general overview of Operations Management.
An initial look at 10 critical decision areas: Goods and service design, Quality, Process and capacity design, Location selection, Layout design, HR and job design, SCM, Inventory, Scheduling, Maintenance.

Sessions 4-7 Objective: Operations Management for Competitive Advantage.

To give an overview of the Principles of Operations, the environment and its complexity. To identify key factors and competitive strategies. Study the implications of different strategies and the role of Operations Management in making them happen.

Group assignment for Sessions 8 & 9: Group presentations on how companies use OM for competitive advantage.

Sessions 8 & 9 Objective: Group presentations to consolidate basic principles of OM and to develop active participation by students.

The presentations must show the students understanding of the basic concepts covered so far in the course and how they are used in real life situations. Presentations will be judged based on delivery, visuals and content. Students must also show their ability to work effectively in a team.

Sessions 10-11 Objective: To give an overview of the Planning And Forecasting processes

Theories behind demand planning, and forecasting needs in Operations Management that reinforce the organisation's success. The learning process will be complemented by practical exercises to familiarise students with analytical tools and models.

Individual assignment 1: Prepare the Zara case study for use in class

Session 12 Objective: Operations basics: Fast fashion. Group role play based on Zara case Oct.21 study

Sessions 13 Objective: To give an overview of:
Location - increasingly important in our globalised economies, as well as to support strategic objectives.

These sessions will cover basic theories, concepts and analysis tools used for improving decision making. The theoretical background will be brought to life using practical exercises to consolidate the learning process.

Session 14-15 Objective: To give an overview of the Inventory Management and understand Oct. 28 & 30 importance of the inventory in Operations Management.

Inventory Management definition, terms, purposes, objectives, planning and control. Use quantitative techniques to solve operational problems: ABC Safety stock, EOQ.

Session 16-17 Objective: Exercises, recap and preparation for mid-term exam

Mid-term exam week: November

Session 18 Mid-term exam feedback

Sessions 19 Objective: To give an overview of the use of Information Technology Systems to
facilitate the manufacturing process and to enhance service operations
MRP, ERP, BI, B2C, B2B, EDI, …

Sessions 20-22 Objective: To give an overview of Process and Sustainability, Capacity and Constraint Management, Layout and Flow
Discussion of process strategies, analysis and design, resources, recycling, regulations and reputation as essential elements of sustainability. Capacity and bottlenecks, break-even and financial considerations - important issues that link in with JIT and Lean, warehousing, retail, HR issues.
Design of Products and Services - product life cycles, House of Quality model,

Individual assignment 2: Preparation of Benihana of Tokyo case study for use in session 23

Session 23-24 Objective: Use Benihana of Tokyo case study to illustrate course concepts
Objective: Risk Management and Operations Improvements
Operations Management decisions involve significant risks, which must be assessed, evaluated and mitigated. This session will cover analysis tools, reasons for failure and using the results to promote improvements.

Sessions 25-27 Objective: Discussion of how People, Jobs and Organisations come together
within Operations Management
A background to job design, ergonomics, work flow design, and measurement within the area of Operations Management.
Objective: To consolidate the learning with exercises, simulations and games

Sessions 28-30 Exercises, recap of the course and preparation for final exam.


The course will consist of a combination of lectures, assignments, case studies, simulations, presentations and exercises. Active participation by the students is an essential element of the learning process.


The Course grade will be based on the following point breakdown:

10% Attendance: It is imperative that you attend class. You CANNOT miss classes. This course is only effective if everyone participates actively.
If you have more than four absences for the semester, you will be penalised by 0.25 points for each subsequent absence, to a maximum of eight absences overall, resulting in a 0 grade for attendance.
Punctuality is also included in this evaluation. Come to class ON TIME. No excuses are allowed. Late arrivals disrupt the flow of the class. Anyone who arrives 5 minutes later than the start of the session won´t be allowed to enter the class.
20% Participation: This grade is based on the active participation of the students in class and teamwork is also taken into consideration. Other factors taken into account for participation include:
- Contributions to class discussion
- Observance of rules (e.g. no eating in class, punctuality, attendance, etc)
- Paying attention to the teacher and to others´ contributions
- Preparing correctly for class sessions
- Asking relevant questions
- Correct use of technology - use of phones/internet/laptops for non-class activities will be penalized
- Meeting deadlines - late submissions will not be accepted or graded
- Positive attitude to the course
- Assignments:
- 2 individual assignments, (5% of participation grade each) based on theory covered in class and case studies to be used for class discussion. You will be assessed on your ability to identify and explain key points, showing your understanding for the issues.
- 1 Group presentation, (5% of participation grade) on Operations Management for competitive advantage, taking into account:
- Performance in task completion (delivering on time, effectiveness, efficiency). - Quality of final deliverable (rigor of methodology, validity of results, accuracy of analysis, synthesis in conclusions, appropriateness of recommendations, ability to communicate key messages in a formal presentation).
- Teamwork (ability to work effectively and efficiently as a team throughout the process)
40% mid-term exam
30% final exam

Exams policy

1. You will attend with following equipment and this equipment only:
 Pen -not pencil- black or blue colour
 Standard non-programmable calculators.
Any other equipment will be supplied by the teacher
Any attempt at cheating will be punished as if it had succeeded. Be prepared to earn a failing final grade for the course.
2. Clarifications will be allowed during the first 15 minutes of the exam. Once this time has elapsed no questions will be allowed.
3. There will be no WC breaks, please prepare adequately prior to the exam.
4. Should you fail the course overall, you will have the opportunity to sit a re-take exam, as long as all assignments have been presented on their due dates. The result of the re-take exam will be a Pass or Fail.

- Review Date
Approximately two weeks after each exam you can ask for a review so that you can discuss and understand the grade awarded.

Evaluation Criteria
Basic Bibliography

- Operations Management 10e: Heizer, J; Render, B. 2011 Prentice Hall / ISBN-10: 0136119417 | ISBN-13: 9780136119418

Additional Material

Support Readings:
- Operations Management 6e: Slack, Chambers & Johnston
2010 Prentice Hall ISBN-10: 0273730460 | ISBN-13: 9780273730460

- APICS Dictionary - 2008 Release
- Logistics and supply chain management: creating value-adding networksý - Martin Christopher - 2005
- OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT (9th Edition), William J Stevenson. McGraw-Hill/Irwin / ISBN: 9780073290942
- OPERATIONS & SUPPLY MANAGEMENT (12th edition), Chase, Richard B.; Jacobs, F. Robert & Aquilano, Nicholas J. / McGraw-Hill/Irwin / ISBN: 9701044681