Degree in Design and Creation of Interactive Products La Salle Campus Barcelona

Degree in Design and Creation of Interactive Products

Thought and Creativity II

The second course of the subject Thought and Creativity introduces reflection on the human condition, mainly from the perspective of philosophical anthropology. Particular care is taken to associate the topics with personal experiences and contemporary debates.
Type Subject
Tercer - Obligatoria

Titular Professors

Previous Knowledge

The Learning results of this subject are:

Ability to read and understand literary and humanistic texts.

Know how to locate problems and intercultural relationships.

Feeling involved in the promotion of human rights.


1. General introduction

2. The human condition. Anthropological foundations

3. Personal identity. Constitution, relation, expression

4. Self and others

5. Happiness


Thought and Creativity II will combine seminars with the analysis of materials. The theory that is covered will be linked to open debates on contemporary society, and students’ personal experiences.

Discussion, collaborative work and group reflection will be encouraged to consider together the issues covered in class.

Students will have to take notes, research resources and read some texts at home so that they can discuss the concepts they have learnt in class (just-in-time teaching).


The subject Thought and Creativity will follow a continuous evaluation:

• Exams*: 40% of the mark (face-to-face exams)

• Exercises*: 45% of the mark (online questionnaires, writing activities via eStudy)

• Attendance, attitude and participation: 15% of the mark

Evaluation Criteria
Basic Bibliography


Additional Material