Degree in International Computer Engineering La Salle Campus Barcelona

Degree in International Computer Engineering

La Salle Degree s in Computer Engineering, is the only Degree program in Barcelona which equips you with the skills and knowledge needed to meet the new international demands of the computer engineering sector and of the global business world.

Thought and Creativity I

In the first course of the subject Thought and Creativity the student will be introduced to some of the most important ethical theories and he will learn to analyze current problems and dilemmas from different moral criteria.
Type Subject
Primer - Obligatoria

Titular Professors

Previous Knowledge

The Learning objectives of this subject are:

Ability to define basic concepts

Assuming the social and ethical responsibility of the profession.

Having interest and resources for creativity and innovation.

Ability to create culture in the company and corporate responsibility


1. General introduction
2. Where are we: Technoscience era
3. Introduction to ethics
4. Utilitarianism
5. Libertarianism
6. Deontologism
7. Egalitarianism


Thought and Creativity I will combine lectures with case studies and lessons on problems.
The theory will be connected to current issues related to the students' experiences.
Dialogue and group reflection on issues addressed in class will be encouraged.
The student will have to take notes and read some texts at home to make it possible to reflect on case-studies in class (just-in-time teaching).


The subject Thought and Creativity will follow a continuous evaluation:

• Exams: 40% of the mark (face-to-face exams)

• Exercises: 45% of the mark (online questionnaires, writing activities via eStudy)

• Attendance, attitude and participation: 15% of the mark

Evaluation Criteria
Basic Bibliography
Additional Material

CAMPS, Victoria. Breve historia de la ética. Barcelona: RBA, 2013.
(coord.). Historia de la ética. 3 vols. Barcelona: Crítica, 1988-1992.
CORTINA, Adela. ¿Para qué sirve realmente la ética? Barcelona: Paidós, 2013.
Ética mínima: Introducción a la filosofía práctica. Madrid: Tecnos, 1986.
MacINTYRE, Alasdair. Historia de la ética. Barcelona: Paidós, 1991.
A Short History of Ethics. London: Routledge, 2006.
SAVATER, Fernando. Ética para Amador. Barcelona: Ariel, 2011.
SMART, John. J. and WILLIAMS, B. Utilitarianism: For and Against. Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge University Press, 1973.