Degree in International Computer Engineering La Salle Campus Barcelona

Degree in International Computer Engineering

La Salle Degree s in Computer Engineering, is the only Degree program in Barcelona which equips you with the skills and knowledge needed to meet the new international demands of the computer engineering sector and of the global business world.

Software Methodology II

The subject studies the difficulties of developing complex computing systems and considers the importance of the development of these systems from an engineering point of view. Software requirements specification techniques (SRS) are studied with a focus on their quality and design. These techniques are applied in the construction of applications which are apt for both conventional (structured) and for object-orientated environments. Students are introduced to the IOS programming environment in order to help them carry out practical work which is complemented with the analysis, design and the implantation of a project. Theoretical knowledge makes up a substantial part of the course and it is complemented by exercises which put the knowledge acquired into practice.
Type Subject
Tercer - Obligatoria
Previous Knowledge

Client/Servers projects (GI009)


Objective 1
- To recognize and understand the difficulties involved in the development of a complex computing System.
Objective 2
- To learn the analysis and design techniques required for system specifications.
Objective 3
- To discover the latest tools used in analysis and design techniques.
Objective 4
- To be able to apply the analysis and design tools and techniques in the construction of applications in conventional (structured) environments and in object-orientated environments.
Objective 5
- To acquire an understanding of the techniques and tools presented on the course as an effective means of communication for a project team which could include clients as well as potentially external associate companies.
Objective 6
- To learn a new iOS development environment.
Objective 7
- Develop a project following the project development phases step-by-step.


1. Software processing models.
2. Requirement specification and analysis.
3. iOS Programming.
4. Design models.


The methodology employed on this course is a combination of lectures and practical exercises carried out by the students outside class-time.

1. Lectures.
The professor explains the theoretical concepts of the subject in lectures. The professor also dedicates class-time to correcting coursework and exercises which test the concepts presented in class.

2. Individual exercises to be done at home.
Apart from the exercises resolved in class, the student also has to do exercises at home. The aim of these exercises is to enable the student to use the theoretical concepts acquired on the course and to resolve problems alone.

3. Group work carried out outside the classroom
Once the student has gained the theoretical knowledge and practical skills, s/he should then be ready to take on the analysis and design of a case study presented by the professor. Two students make up each group with the aim being to foment both teamwork and communication skills in order to reach agreement on the different potential solutions for the problem set out.

4. Forums and inter-group participation
Throughout the semester students can access a forum on the web site created with the intention of promoting the knowledge exchange between all the students on the course thus enriching the concept of collaboration between the members of each group in a bid to widen the collaboration between all the students (classmates) of the course. This is basically a medium for open discussion of course-related topics while providing students with the chance of consulting professors with any queries or doubts they many have about any aspect of the course. The professor supervises the forum and intervenes when necessary. An `active and intelligent´ participation in the forum is reflected in the final course mark.

5. Tutorials and materials
Throughout the course students can consult their professor with any doubts they may have. Supplementary material is also available on the web page of the subject (eStudy).


Various marking systems are employed to effectively grade the knowledge and competences acquired by the students.
It is a theory-practical course which combines theoretical explanations with practical work. This well-coordinated combination of theory and practical makes it possible for professors to provide an effective assessment of all the competences associated to the course.
Students are assessed according to the following criteria:

NotaA = Total of the exercises and practical work (according to weights)
o Students must attend 80% of classes. If they fail to do so, NotaA=0.
o Absences which are not justified by students are considered unexcused absences.

NotaA = 20% SRS + 20% iOS exercises + 60% (Practical work)

Throughout the course a series of exercises will be set which will take into account the following considerations:
Consideration 1:
- In the event of a student failing any part of the practical work (mark < 5) s/he can re-sit in the re-sit period provisionally programmed for the week of Jan 13-17, 2014.
- The highest mark obtainable for practical work submitted in the re-sit period is 7.0.

Note_1: The work assessed by the professors is that which is submitted to the e-study post. Once work has been uploaded students cannot withdraw it.
Any work sent by mail will not be considered a submission.
Note_2: The submissions must be correctly named. It is the student´s responsibility to know the title of the submission before uploading the work. (The title of each submission is indicated in the instructions of the repositories or the tasks)
Note_3: Any practical work which includes documentation (reports, diagrams, ...) must be submitted in paper and adequately bound if the volume of documentation requires it.

Evaluation Criteria

Objective 1
- To recognize and understand the difficulties involved in the development of a complex computing System.
Objective 2
- To learn the analysis and design techniques required for system specifications.
Objective 3
- To discover the latest tools used in analysis and design techniques.
Objective 4
- To be able to apply the analysis and design tools and techniques in the construction of applications in conventional (structured) environments and in object-orientated environments.
Objective 5
- To acquire an understanding of the techniques and tools presented on the course as an effective means of communication for a project team which could include clients as well as potentially external associate companies.
Objective 6
- To learn a new iOS development environment.
Objective 7
- Develop a project following the project development phases step-by-step.

Basic Bibliography

- Ingeniería del software: un enfoque práctico, Pressman, Roger S., 5ª edición, McGraw-Hill, 2001
- Ingeniería del software, Sommerville, Ian, 6a edición, Addison-Wesley, 2002
- El Lenguaje Unificado de Modelado, Jacobson, I., Booch, G., Rumbaugh, J., Addison-Wesley, 1999

Additional Material

- Modern Structured Analysis, Yourdon, E., Prentice-Hall 1989.
- Structured Analysis and System Specification, De Marco, T. Prentice-Hall, 1979.
- Metodologia Métrica Versión 3, Ministerio de Administraciones Públicas (MAP), 2001,
- UML y patrones: una introducción al análisis y diseño orientado a objetos y al proceso unificado, Craig Larman, PrenticeHall, 2002 2a edición
- Fast Track UML 2.0, Scott, Kendall , Apress, 2002
- Visual Modeling with Rational Rose 2002 and UML, Quatrani, Terry, Addison Wesley, 2002
- UML with rational rose 2002, Boggs, Wendy, Sybex 2002
- Usabilidad, diseño de sitios web, Nielsen, Jakob, Prentice Hall, Reedició del 2002
- Usabilidad, Braun, Kelly ... [et al.] , Anaya Multimedia, 2003
- UML Resource Page, Object Management Grup
- UML. Unified Modeling Language, Rational Software Corporation, 1997, .