Degree in Design and Creation of Interactive Products La Salle Campus Barcelona

Degree in Design and Creation of Interactive Products

Audiovisual effects

Apply the main 2D and 3D compositing tools using methods such as tracking, chroma key and masks. Nuke X is the software that will be used to be able to create compositions and operate with the main nodes
Type Subject
Tercer - Obligatoria

Titular Professors

Previous Knowledge

Learning Outcomes of this subject are:
RA.01 They have the necessary knowledge to be able to assess the quality of other projects
RA.02 Know how to create special visual effects


2D composition
Workflow, layers, channels and rotoscopy.
Introduction to Nuke.
Interface, displays, tools, menus.
Workflow with Nodes, Shortcuts.
Channel creation, configuration and management.
Rotopaint- tools, brushes, masks.
Tracker, matchmoving and composition.
2D trackers.
Control at 1,2,3 and 4 points.
Position, rotation and scale.
Stabilization and corner pin.
Chroma key and integration.
Chroma types
Chroma Key: Keylight, Keyer, IBK Gizmo / Color.
Integration Techniques
ColorLookUp, ColorCorrect, Grade, HueCorrect, lightwrap.

3D composition
Passes 3d and exr.
Introduction to the composition of 3D passes.
Shuffle, Shuffle Copy.
Render Passes.
Diffuse, Specular, Shadow, Reflextion ...
Channel manipulation.
Tracker 3D.
Analysis and creation of 3D scene
Create camera, scene.
3D software integration
Obj, abc
3d geometry, 3d scenes, projections.
3D viewer.
3D geometry.3D scene, Shaders, lights y cámaras.


D1 Theory classes
D2 Exercise classes and exercises
D3 Laboratory practices
D4 Flipped Classroom
D5 Peer instruction


There will be a first individual exercise, totally practical, where the student will have at his disposal the reference material
he deems appropriate. The exercise will start during some classes but can be continued at home. This exercise will be
80% of the total
There will be a second exercise that will consist of making an exercice 15% and portfoli 5%

Evaluation Criteria

SA1 Exercises, problems and practices 80%
SA2 Briefcase 20%

Additional Material