master of science in digital arts an creative technologies la salle campus barcelona

Master of Science in Digital Arts and Creative Technologies

Nid: 24858

Incoming profile

The Master's Degree in Digital Arts and Creative Technologies is aimed towards graduates with university degrees in both artistic fields (such as design, digital art, fine arts, etc.) and technical areas (engineering, computer science, etc.). The program is designed for professionals with experience in a junior role within the creative industry.

The admission process includes the submission of a letter of motivation, a portfolio (or artist statement) and one or two letters of reference.

Graduates of other official university degrees will be considered for admission at the discretion of the Admissions Committee, taking into account their work experience, their curriculum vitae in its entirety and their letter of motivation.

Equivalent degrees awarded by institutions belonging to the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) or from other countries with recognition agreements with the EHEA educational system will also be admitted, providing they have the necessary authorization from their respective universities of origin and demonstrate a level of training equivalent to that of the graduate studies.

It is important to note that admission through this route does not imply, in any case, the validation of the degree previously obtained by the applicant, nor its recognition for purposes other than taking this graduate program.