Degree in Digital Business Design and Innovation

In today's world, the digital revolution is transforming the way we communicate and the way we do business. Professionals have to be able to constantly adapt to these changes

Entrepreneurship in Technology-Based Ventures

This course is an introduction to the art and science of starting a new entrepreneurial venture from idea generation, to business plan preparation, to growth and harvesting. You will begin by generating ideas for a new business opportunity. In the second stage, you will develop your ideas into hypothetical business models, and test your hypotheses through interactions with potential customers, partners, and suppliers. Based on this feedback, you will iterate your business model each session so that it addresses a real problem for real customers. In addition to the presentations by your professor for each session, you will have readings, tutorials, and interaction with guest lecturers and entrepreneurs.
Type Subject
Primer - Obligatoria

Titular Professors



Previous Knowledge



On the completion of this course students will develop skills in:
- Understanding the entrepreneurial process
- Identifying, developing, assessing, and pitching new ideas
- Identifying ideas for new ventures
- Developing your ability to present ideas in a concise, compelling way
- Assessing the potential of new business ideas to become business opportunities
- Developing an awareness of the possibilities and limitations of different business models
- Enhancing your sensitivity and skills in discussing the financial needs of a new venture
- Identifying the challenges and opportunities of growth and harvesting
- Customer discovery and validation: testing the hypotheses in your initial business model to arrive at your first pivot


1 Introduction
2 Big Ideas and Worst Ideas Workshop
2.5 Visit from Technova and an Entrepreneur, work on Worst Ideas Contest
3 Presentation of Worst Ideas Contest
4 First Idea Presentations
5 Customer Discovery and Problem Interviews Workshop
6 Problem + Solution Workshop
7 The Customer and Personas, Value Proposition Analysis
8 Business Model Canvas
9 Assumptions Mapping + Business Model Canvas, Leaps of Faith and Startup Dashboard Due: 1st version Business Model Canvas
10 Minimum Viable Product and the Pivot
10.5 Estimating Demand and Market Size
11 Prototyping
12 Financing the Venture


A. Reading assignments and class discussions
B. Lectures
C. The main project we will work on throughout the course is generating ideas for a new technology start-up, developing the business model for the start-up, and collecting information from potential stakeholders to improve and change the business model based on this feedback. You will make presentations throughout the course, and will prepare a final deliverable at the end of the course that summarizes your learning journey in validating your idea.


Your final grade consists of:
1. Class Attendance and Participation (20%)
2. Failure CV (5%)
3. Mid-term Presentation (15%)
4. Midterm Team Assignments (10%)
5. Innovation and Inspiration (10%)
6. Final Reflection (10%)
7. Final Deliverable (25%)
8. Worst Ideas Contest (5%)

Basic Bibliography

- Fitzpatrick, R. (2014). The Mom Test: How to Talk to Customers and Learn If Your Business is a Good Idea when Everyone is Lying to You. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2014. ISBN: 1492180742, 9781492180746.
- Maurya, A. (2012). Running lean: Iterate from plan A to a plan that works. Sebastopol, CA: O'Reilly.
- Osterwalder, A and Pigneur, Y (2010) Business Model Generation, John Wiley & Sons. ISBN: 978-0470-87641-1.
- Mullins, R. and Komisar, R. (2009) Getting to Plan B, Harvard Business Press. ISBN: 978-1-4221-2669-1.