Degree in Digital Business Design and Innovation

In today's world, the digital revolution is transforming the way we communicate and the way we do business. Professionals have to be able to constantly adapt to these changes

Business Model Design

A business model is the method you use to acquire customers, service them, and make money doing so. Simply put, it is your profit formula - How you will make money. Business model design and innovation (adapting your existing business model) has captured the business community´s interest in the last decade as companies look to incorporate to new ideas and develop strategies to execute their business models. However, in today's world, the digital revolution is speeding up and transforming the way we communicate and the way we do business. This meansthat a business model that worked successfully in the past may not be suitable for continuous earnings (i.e., profit, not revenue) growth. The importance of innovation is increasing as companies need to remain competitive. As a result, entrepreneurs and business professionals must be able to constantly adapt to these new challenges and revise their business models accordingly.
Type Subject
Tercer - Obligatoria

Titular Professors

Previous Knowledge

The study of business models can be broken into identifiable components, such as:
How to make a value proposition
Define a market segment
Locate your company's position in the value chain
Create a revenue generation statement
Identify competitors, complementors, and other network effects
Develop a competitive strategy to execute the business model

This could be summarized as:
What is your offering?
How will you monetize the offering?
How will you sustain it?

In addition to identifying the components of a business model, this course will also focus on:
Tools to create and analyze business models (such as the Business Model Canvas)
Criteria necessary for a well-balanced business model differentiated from the competition.
Traditional, digital (internet and mobile), social, and mixed business models
Building your own startup and analyzing the new business model


Why Do Business Models Matter?
What is a Business Model?
What is it Not?
Approaches Towards Defining Business Models
The Business Model as an Activity System
The "What, How, Who & Why" Framework
Implications of the Framework
Value Creation vs. Value Appropriation in Business Models
Adopting a Business Model Mindset and why is it needed?
Leadership actions to foster a Business Model Mindset
What is business model innovation?
A framework for business model innovation
Measuring business model innovation
The Pros and Cons of business model innovation
Why is a design perspective relevant to business model development?
What is Design in the context of Business models?
Business Model Strategic Design Drivers
(D) Deployable Resources
(E) External Environment
(S) Stakeholders' Activities
(I) Incumbents' Templates
(G) Goals
(N) Perceived Needs
General Design Tools
- Effectuations
- Lean Startup
Tools for articulating and understanding business models
Tools for framing the business model design effort
Tools for designing and implementing business model innovations
Tools for evaluating business models
Value Proposition of Business models
The NICE value drivers
From Value Propositions to value appropriation
What are the business model implementation challenges and barriers in startups and in established firms?
Creating internal fit - overcoming resistance to change and organizational inertia in established firms
Addressing leadership and knowledge gaps
Managing business model implementation risks in startups
The dilemma startups face
The roles of governance and leadership in business model implementation
Revenue models
The strategic implications of business model innovation in the digital age
How to develop a business model innovation strategy


The learning experience is based on a range of teaching methods that seek to foster students' understanding of business model design and the process for creating and analyzing various business models. The methodology includes lectures, exercises, activities, presentations and, in general, active participation from students. We'll discuss the process of structuring economic models, personal business models and finally the core elements of a business model. We'll do that by studying existing business models, building your own startup business model and examining case studies.


The Course grade will be based on the following point breakdown:
10% Attendance and participation - It is imperative that you attend class. More than two missed classes will counted against you. More than five absences will result in a zero for class participation.
10% First Individual assignment: Personal business based on the "expert teaching" business model learned in class.
10% Second Individual assignment:
15% Midterm, multiple choice and short answer exam to test your knowledge on the material learned from class lectures
12,5% First Group assignment: Analyze the business models of competitors and incumbents based on the examination of a company case from class.
12,5% Second Group Assignment: Analyze the business models of competitors and incumbents based on the
examination of a company case from class.
15% Final Exam: Startup Creation Presentation. Build and present a business model for your own innovation. Carry out a startup creation project in the digital domain and mature its business model by testing the underlying assumptions in a so-called "Lean Startup" approach.
15% Peer evaluation - all team members will grade your contribution to the team for the two group assignments.

This grade is based on the active participation of the students in class. Teamwork is also taken into consideration, as well as:
- Contributions to class discussion
- Observance of rules (e.g. no eating in class, punctuality, attendance, etc)
- Paying attention to the teacher and to others' contributions
- Preparing correctly for class sessions
- Asking relevant questions
- Correct use of technology - use of phones/internet/laptops for non-class activities will be penalized
- Meeting deadlines - late submissions will not be accepted or graded
- Positive attitude to the course

Evaluation Criteria
Basic Bibliography

Transformational Concepts and Tools for Entrepreneurial Leaders
By: Raphael Amit and Christoph Zott
John Wiley & Sons Inc. 2021 Hoboken, NJ

Business Model Generation: A Handbook for Visionaries, Game Changers, and Challengers
By: Timothy Clark, Alexander Osterwalder and Yves Pigneur
John Wiley & Sons Inc. 2010 Hoboken, NJ

Business Model You: A One-Page Method For Reinventing Your Career
By: Timothy Clark, Alexander Osterwalder and Yves Pigneur
John Wiley & Sons Inc. 2012 Hoboken, NJ

Value Proposition Design: How to Create Products and Services Customers Want
By: Timothy Clark, Alexander Osterwalder and Yves Pigneur
John Wiley & Sons Inc. 2014 Hoboken, NJ

Additional Material