master of science in architecture

Master of Science in Architecture

Study at La Salle and obtain the master's degree to become a great architect with all the responsibilities

Urban conditions for the project

1. Descriptive data of the subject: 1.1. Code: MHA 03. 1.2. Type of subject: Mandatory 1.3. Impartation: Annual 1.4. ECTS credits: 3 1.5. Responsible professor: Amador Ferrer 1.6. Language: Spanish - Catalan
Type Subject
Primer - Obligatoria

Titular Professors

Previous Knowledge

Degree in Architecture Studies or Fundamentals of Architecture.


Create architectural projects that satisfy the aesthetic and technical demands, and the requirements of the building users, respecting the limits imposed by budgetary factors and construction regulations.
Understand the profession of architect and its role in society by developing projects that take into account social factors.

Approach, development and concretion of the urban aspects implicit in the end of the final thesis (PFC): territorial and urban position of the project, relationship with infrastructures and general access, itineraries, relationship with the activities involved, topographic location, orientation, visuals , relationship with the environment and landscape integration.
Verification of the architectural proposal from the legal framework: state and autonomous urban development legislation, regulations, sectoral regulations. Integration of legal determinations in the architectural project.

Verification of the architectural proposal from the framework of urban planning: consultation of municipal general planning (planning, regulation and urban management), derivative planning and sectoral planning. Integration of urban determinations in the architectural project.


Development of a project with a theme that affects the transformation and construction of man's habitat: The territory, the city, the building; attending to the physical, historical, cultural, and legal conditions, through the resolution of conceptual, formal and tectonic proposals.

Index of lectures:
1. Introductory class: approach and methodology of work
2. Work sessions, mentoring and follow-ups and corrections of the projects
3. Presentation and discussion sessions of the projects
4. Check-point


1. Introductory class: approach and methodology of work
The class consists of presenting the urban aspects implicit in any architectural project, especially in relation to the determinations of the site and the constraints derived from the urban planning and sectoral application to the plot. The class includes the analysis of specific examples in which these conditions have been identified, analysed and valued in the project.

2. Work sessions, mentoring and follow-ups and corrections of the projects
They make up the bulk of the subject, in which the student progresses, led by the professor, in the two aspects indicated in the presentation. In the first sessions it is about identifying the relevant aspects of the site, the accesses, the topography, the orientation, the visuals, the urban environment, the landscape and other conditions that have an impact on the project's approach. In the second part, the urban planning in force in the municipality is analysed and work is done on the inclusion of its determinations. It also analyses, where appropriate, the planning or sectoral regulations that may be applicable, according to each site or specific project.

3. Presentation and discussion sessions of the projects
These sessions consist of the presentation and cross-discussion of the projects at various stages of their development, in order to contrast the different ways used by the students to synthesize, assess and apply the determinations from the sites and urban figures with an impact on them.

4. Check-point
The check-point consists of a detailed presentation of the work of each student, in which the order and the solvency of the exposed arguments are valued, the sequence of the presentation and the balance of the times used, and the clarity in the explanation of the final result.


The introductory class focuses on the explanation of the bases and methodology of the course.
The presential classes develop the theoretical content combining practical exercises, and they focus on the follow-ups and mentoring of the works.
The course is complemented with presentations in class of the projects in their various phases and the shared debate of them.
The master's degree is presential and is held in two-hour workshop sessions.


10 % Assistance and participation in class
10 % Presentations
20 % Project corrections
60 % Project

Evaluation Criteria

The evaluation of the master will be continuous and linked to the following parameters:
- Attendance and participation in the theoretical sessions.
- Attendance, follow-up and participation in the practical and correction sessions.
- Participatory attitude and motivation.
- Graphic and oral presentation of the research exercises proposed during the course.
- Schematic design, design development and constructive documents, in which is reflected (in an evolutionary way) the knowledge acquired. The documents to be delivered must comply with the minimum contents set by the professors, and the rigor and easy reading, through architectural arguments, of the decisions and solutions adopted in the project.

Basic Bibliography

Ajuntament de Barcelona: 1999. Urbanismo en Barcelona. Barcelona, 1999
Ajuntament de Barcelona: Barcelona. Espacio público. Barcelona, 1992.
Bacon, Edmund N: Design of cities. Penguin Books. New York, 1976.
Benevolo, Leonardo: Diseño de la ciudad. Gustavo Gili, Barcelona, 1979
Carini, A et al: Housing in Europa. Dos vol. Ed. Luigi Parma, Bologna, 1978
Jacobs, Allan B.: Great Streets, M.I.T, 1993.
Krier, Rob: El espacio urbano. Gustavo Gili. Barcelona, 1981.
Mancomunitat de municipis de l’àrea metropolitana de Barcelona: L’espai públic metropolità, 1989-1999. Barcelona, 2001
Paris Project, n. 30-31: Espaces publics. Número monogràfico. Paris, 1993.
Rowe, Peter: Design Thinking. The MIT Press. Cambridge, 1987.
UR: El proyecto urbano. Números 5 y 6. Barcelona, 1985.

Additional Material

Esteban, Juli: La ordenación urbanística: conceptos, herramientas y prácticas. Electa. Barcelona, 2003.