Master in Integrated Architectural Design

Master in Integrated Architectural Design

Logics of evolution for contemporary contexts

Contemporary territories. Drawing the ground.

Type Subject
Primer - Obligatoria

Titular Professors

Previous Knowledge

Experience in urban, landscape and territorial studies and projects. Knowledge in systems of representation and drawing of the territory on different scales.


- Investigate the possibilities of representation, the drawing of the territory, the landscape and its architecture through a type of synthetic and intentional drawing .- Improve the knowledge of the rural landscape, its forms and its architecture
- Understand and draw the relationships between geography, and the different elements of the construction of the territory, the landscape and the city
- Water as an element of drawing the urban structure and rural territory
- From the landscape. The construction of the land as a basis for the territorial, urban and architectural project


Study and project of the territory and the contemporary city based on the territorial scale, the form and elements of the territory and the geographical features of the landscape. Definition of possible scenarios. Representation systems of the landscape and the territory at different scales.


Theoretical classes on examples of works of representation and territorial analysis from the scale of the architecture to the one of the landscape, the territory and the urbanism. Analysis of specific sites, visits and field work, writing of cartographers collectively and individually.
The course investigates the role of the project as a tool for knowledge, as a tool for research in the understanding and construction of contemporary territory. Walking, drawing and designing will be the primary tools.


The evaluation is continuous with a tutored follow-up of the work of each student and presentations in group. The work delivered (research projects and projects) are valued. Attendance and participation in class are valued.

Evaluation Criteria

The evaluation system is as follows:
- Individual or group work: 40%
- Public presentation of works: 40%
- Class participation: 20%

Basic Bibliography

- ANTONI AGUILAR I PIERA, La construcció de l’espai rural al Baix Empordà, Tesis doctoral dirigida per Joaquim Sabaté, Departament d’Urbanisme i Ordenació del Territori, ETSAB, Barcelona, 1993. 
- ENRIC BATLLE, El jardín de la metrópoli: del paisaje romántico al espacio libre para una ciudad sostenible, Gustavo Gili, Barcelona, 2011. 
- STEFANO BOERI, ARTURO LANZANI, EDOARDO MARINI, Il Territorio che cambia: ambienti, paesaggi e immagini della regione milanese, Abitare Segesta, Milano, 1993. 
- JOAN BUSQUETS, MIQUEL DOMINGO, XABIER EIZAGUIRRE, ANTONIO MORO, Les Formes urbanes del litoral català, Diputació de Barcelona, Barcelona, 2003. 
- STEFANO CORTELLARO Morna, Atzaró. La construcción del territorio de Ibiza. COAIB, Palma de Mallorca, 2007 
- STEFANO CORTELLARO, La construcción del territorio de Ibiza. Urbanismo, paisaje, arquitectura, tesis doctoral dirigida per Amador Ferrer Aixalà, Barcelona: Universitat Ramón Llull, ETSALS, 2013.
- XABIER EIZAGUIRRE GARAITAGOITIA, Las Componentes formales del territorio rural, tesis doctoral dirigida por Manuel de Solà–Morales, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya 1990, Barcelona, inédita.
- GERALD HANNING, “Recherche sur les trames agraires. Logiques des structures foncières et paysages”, Architecture d’Aujourd’hui nº164, 1979. 
- PIETRO LAUREANO, “Atlas del agua”
- FRANCESC NAVÉS VIÑAS ; RAQUEL GARCÍA SARRIÓN [et al.] Arquitectura del paisaje rural: de la Península Ibérica, Islas Baleares y Canarias, Omega, Barcelona, 2005.
- ALDO ROSSI, ERALDO CONSOLACIO, MAX BROSSHARD, La costruzione del territorio. Uno studio sul Canton Ticino, CLUP, Milano, 1986.
- MANUEL DE SOLÁ MORALES, [et al.], “La identitat del territori català. Les comarques”, Quaderns d’arquitectura i urbanisme, Numero Extra 1–2, COAC, Barcelona, 1981. 
- PAOLA VIGANÓ, New territories: situations, projects, scenarios for the European city and territory, Officina, Roma, 2004.

Additional Material

- ASSOCIAÇÃO DOS ARQUITECTOS PORTUGUESES, Arquitectura popular em Portugal, Lisboa, 1980.
- JAMES CORNER, Taking measures across the American landscape, Yale University Press, New York, 1961.
- CLAUDE LECORPS, Instrument d'analyse et d'organisation du paysage, Institut d'Amenagement et d'Urbanisme de la Region d'Ile de France, Division Aménagement de l'espace, París, 1980. 
- CARLES LLOP, FRANCESCA LEDER, EMETERI FABREGAT (eds.), Visions del paisatge de les Terres de l’Ebre, Onada, Benicarló, 2008.
- JOAQUIN SABATÉ, MIQUEL COROMINAS, XABIER EIZAGUIRRE I RICARD PIE (ed.), Forma del territori i projecte, propostes d’ordenació territorial a la Vall d’Aran, Fundació Politècnica de Catalunya, UPC, 1996.
- BERNARDO SECCHI, PAOLA VIGANÓ, La ville poreuse: un projet pour le grand Paris et la métropole de l’après–Kyoto, Métispresses, Geneve, 2011. 
- PAOLA VIGANÓ, Piano territoriale della provincia di Lecce: [territori della nuova modernità], Electa, Milano, 2001.