Ricardo Devesa Devesa

Ricardo Devesa Devesa
Mobile work
Sant Josep
C. Quatre Camins 2, 08022, Barcelona
Department of Architecture
Research Group

Ricardo Devesa received his degree in architecture from the Valencia School of Architecture and he holds a PhD from Barcelona Tech University (UPC, 2012) for his dissertation Houses & Trees (published in 2021 as Outdoor Domesticity). He is currently editor-in-chief at Actar Publishers, and at his digital platform urbanNext.net, based in Barcelona and New York. Since 2019 he is professor of architectural design at the School of Architecture La Salle, University Ramon Llull (ETSALS), as well as the coordinator of its Master in Integrated Architectural Design. He was associate professor of Architecture Theory and History at the Barcelona School of Architecture of Barcelona (ETSAB, UPC, 2011-2016) and senior professor at the Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia (IaaC, 2013-2019). He served as a member of the editorial staff of the magazine Quaderns d´Arquitectura i Urbanisme (1997-1999) and was a member of the editorial board for the magazine Basa (2004-2008). He was visiting scholar at Graduate School of Architecture (GSAPP) Columbia University in New York (2007-2009). He is coauthor of Otra mirada. Posiciones contra crónicas. La acción crítica como reactivo en la arquitectura española reciente (Gustavo Gili, 2010) and Barcelona: Modern Architecture Guide (Actar, 2013).