Titular Professors
Not required.
This course proposes a philosophical study of the relationship between religion and contemporary culture, offering students readings and methods that open new horizons for their own research vocation. This course will focus on the proposals of some of the great authors of the so-called "theological turn of contemporary French phenomenology."
1. Introduction. Phenomenology, religion and culture.
2. Emmanuel Levinas (1906-1995):
2.1. Metaphysics, the other and the idea of ​​the Infinite.
2.2. Religion, philosophy and humanism.
3. Jean-Luc Marion (*1946):
3.1. The impossible and saturated phenomena.
3.2. Revelation as the ultimate possibility.
4. Jean-Yves Lacoste (*1953):
4.1. Experience and the absolute. The liturgical horizon of human existence.
4.2. The phenomenality of God.
The teaching methodology that will be used in the teaching of the subject is specified in:
Work in the classroom:
- Lectures.
- Practical classes, debate and commentary on texts in the classroom.
- Continuous Assessment.
Work or activities outside the classroom:
- Independent work of the students.
- Tutoring.
Ordinary session: In order to be assessed in the ordinary session, all the activities subject to assessment must have been completed. The assessable activities must be handed in on the dates indicated by the teaching staff. If an activity subject to assessment has not been handed in or completed, it will be recorded in the minutes as "Not submitted" in the session.
Extraordinary session: The assessment criteria are the same as in the ordinary session, so all the assessment activities considered in the course must be submitted. The grades for the activities completed will be kept, pending the completion of the pending activities. In this assessment, the same weighting criteria will be applied as in the ordinary assessment.
1. Written work (50%): Written work on a subject, work or author related to the subject, previously agreed with the professor. Personal research, appropriate use of textual sources, approach to the work, correct writing and application of formal conventions of an academic work will be valued.
2. Text comments (30%): Comments and questionnaires on some texts selected during the course. The ability to reasonedly defend ideas, the ability to delve deeper into the philosophical issue addressed and clarity of exposition will be valued.
3. Attendance and active participation in class (20%): Interaction, the ability to suggest questions, answers, alternatives and objections, the ability for specifically philosophical dialogue and the correct use of philosophical vocabulary will be valued.
Use of AI tools: If AI tools are used in any activity, a paragraph must be included indicating why AI has been used and what indications have been used to obtain the results. Failure to do so is a violation of academic honesty policies.
Emmanuel Levinas:
Emmanuel LEVINAS, Totalidad e infinito. Ensayo sobre la exterioridad (trad. Miguel García-Baró), Salamanca: Sígueme 2012.
Emmanuel LEVINAS, De otro modo que ser o más allá de la esencia (trad. Antonio Pintor Ramos), Salamanca: Sígueme 2011.
Emmanuel LEVINAS, De Dios que viene a la idea (trad. Graciano González R. Arnaiz y Jesús María Ayuso Díez), Madrid: Caparrós 2001.
Emmanuel LEVINAS, Difícil libertad. Ensayos sobre el judaísmo (trad. Juan Haidar, revisada por Soedade López Campo y Jesús María Ayuso Díez), Madrid: Caparrós 2004.
Emmanuel LEVINAS, Dios, la muerte y el tiempo (trad. María Luisa Rodríguez Tapia), Madrid: Cátedra 2005.
Jean-Luc Marion:
Jean-Luc MARION, El ídolo y la distancia (trad. Sebastián M. Pascual y Nadia Latrille), Salamanca: Sígueme 1999.
Jean-Luc MARION, Siendo dado: Ensayo para una fenomenología de la donación (trad. Javier Bassas Vila), Madrid: Síntesis 2008.
Jean-Luc MARION, Dios sin el ser, (trad. Carlos Enrique Restrepo, Daniel Barreto y Javier Bassas Vila), Castellón: Ellago 2010.
Jean-Luc MARION, Certitudes négatives, Paris: Grasset 2010.
Jean-Luc MARION, Dailleurs, la révélation, Paris: Grasset 2020.
Jean-Yves Lacoste:
Jean-Yves LACOSTE, Experiencia y absoluto (trad. Tania Checchi), Salamanca: Sígueme 2010.
Jean-Yves LACOSTE, La fenomenicidad de Dios. Nueve estudios (trad. Jesús María Ayuso Díez), Salamanca: Sígueme 2019.
Jean-Yves LACOSTE, Le monde et labsence doeuvre, Paris: PUF 1999.
Jean-Yves LACOSTE, Présence et parousie, Paris: Ad solem 2006.
Jean-Yves LACOSTE, Être en danger, Paris: Cerf 2011.
Hans Urs Von BALTHASAR, Gloria, una estética teológica. Vol. 4. Metafísica. Edad Antigua y Vol. 5. Metafísica. Edad Moderna (trad. Vicente Martín y Felipe Hernández), Madrid: Encuentro 1996.
Antonio BERGAMO, Levinas e la curvatura dello spazio intersoggettivo, Roma: Città Nuova 2018.
Philippe CAPELLE-DUMONT, Jean GREISCH, Richard KEARNEY, Jean-Luc MARION, Andreas SPEER, David TRACY, Métaphysique et christianisme, Paris: PUF 2015.
Catherine CHALIER, Lévinas: la utopía de lo humano (trad. Miguel García-Baró), Barcelona: Riopiedras 1995.
Catherine CHALIER, La huella del infinito. Emmanuel Levinas y la fuente hebrea (trad. María Pons Irazazábal), Barcelona: Herder 2004.
Steven DELAY, Phenomenology in France. A philosophical and theological introduction, London & New York: Routledge 2019.
Jacques DERRIDA, «Violencia y metafísica. Ensayo sobre el pensamiento de Emmanuel Levinas» en: La escritura y la diferencia (trad. Patricio Peñalver), Barcelona: Anthropos 1989 (Pensamiento critico/Pensamiento utópico, 38), 107-210.
Emmanuel FALQUE, Le Combat amoureux. Disputes phénoménologiques et théologiques, Paris: Hermann 2014.
Emmanuel FALQUE, Pasar el rubicón. Filosofía y teología: Ensayo sobre las fronteres (trad. Mercedes Huarte y Miguel García-Baró), Madrid: Universidad Pontificia Comillas 2016.
Miguel GARCÍA-BARÓ, Vida y mundo. La práctica de la fenomenología, Madrid: Trotta 1999.
Miguel GARCÍA-BARÓ, La compasión y la catástrofe. Ensayos de pensamiento judío, Salamanca: Sígueme 2007.
Jean GREISCH, Le buisson ardent et les lumières de la raison. Linvention de la philosophie de la religion. Tome II. Les approches phénoménologiques et analytiques, Paris: Cerf 2002.
Martin HEIDEGGER, El ser y el tiempo (trad. José Gaos), México: FCE 1971.
Martin HEIDEGGER, ¿Qué es metafísica? (trad. Helena Cortés y Arturo Leyte), Madrid: Alianza 2014. [Recoge tres textos también presentes en: Martin HEIDEGGER, Hitos (trad. Helena Cortés y Arturo Leyte), Madrid: Alianza 2006.
Edmund HUSSERL, Fenomenologia (ed. i trad. Francesc Perenya Blasi), Barcelona: Edicions 62 1999.
Edmund HUSSERL, Ideas relativas a una fenomenología pura y una filosofía fenomenológica. Libro primero: Introducción general a la fenomenología pura (trad. José Gaos, revisión de Antonio Zirión Quijano), México: FCE 2014.
Edmund HUSSERL, Meditacions cartesianes: una introducció a la fenomenologia (trad. Francesc Perenya Blasi i Joan González Guardiola), Barcelona: Edicions de la Universitat de Barcelona 2016.
Hernán INVERSO, Fenomenología de lo inaparente, Buenos Aires: Prometeo 2019.
Dominique JANICAUD, La phénoménologie dans tous ses états, Paris: Gallimard (Folio Essais) 2009.
Richard KERNEY & Joseph S. OLEARY (dirs.), Heidegger et la question de Dieu, Paris: PUF 2009.
Emmanuel LEVINAS, Descubriendo la existencia con Husserl y Heidegger, Madrid: Síntesis 2005.
Salomon MALKA, Emmanuel Lévinas. La vida y la huella (trad. Alberto Sucasas), Madrid: Trotta 2006
Jean-Luc MARION et Guy PLANTY-BONJOUR (dirs.), Phénoménologie et métaphysique, Paris: PUF 1984.
Jean-Luc MARION, Figures de Phénoménologie. Husserl, Heidegger, Levinas, Henry, Derrida (nouvelle éd. Augmentée), Paris: Vrin 2015.
Dermot MORAN, Introducción a la Fenomenología, Barcelona: Anthropos 2011.
Jan PATOČKA, Introducción a la fenomenología (trad. Juan A. Sánchez, revisión de Iván Ortega Rodríguez), Barcelona: Herder 2005.
Otto PÖGGELER, El camino del pensar de Martin Heidegger, Madrid: Alianza 1986.
Paul RICOEUR, De otro modo. Lectura de De otro modo que ser o más allá de la esencia de Emmanuel Levinas (trad. Alberto Sucasas), Barcelona: Anthropos 1999.
George STEINER, Heidegger, Madrid: FCE 2001.
Xavier ZUBIRI, «Lección V: Husserl» en Cinco lecciones de Filosofía, Madrid: Sociedad de Estudios y Publicaciones 1963, pp. 213-279.