master of science in architecture

Master of Science in Architecture

Study at La Salle and obtain the master's degree to become a great architect with all the responsibilities


1. Descriptive data of the subject: 1.1. Code: MHA 02. 1.2. Type of subject: Mandatory 1.3. Impartation: Annual 1.4. ECTS credits: 3 1.5. Responsible professor: Robert Terradas Professors: Pedro Garcia and David Soldevila 1.6. Language: Spanish - Catalan
Type Subject
Primer - Obligatoria

Titular Professors

Previous Knowledge

Degree in Architecture Studies or Fundamentals of Architecture.


Create architectural projects that satisfy the aesthetic and technical demands, and the requirements of the building users, respecting the limits imposed by budgetary factors and construction regulations.
Understand the profession of architect and its role in society by developing projects that take into account social factors.


Provision of the tools and practices for the transformation and construction of man's habitat: The territory, the city, the building; attending to the physical, historical, cultural, and legal conditions, through the resolution of conceptual, formal and tectonic proposals.

Index of contents:

- Analysis of the program
- Analysis of the place
- Implementation on the site
- Schematic design
- Design development
- The project and the architectural disciplines
- Communication of the project


Two activities are carried out: the architectural project and workshop.

- The architectural project:
The chosen project to develop is the one carried out in the last subject of the 5th year project subject from the degree in Architecture. From this base of preliminary intentions, the program is questioned, rethought, the program analysed and the appropriate implementation of the project to develop the first project and the basic project. The holistic vision of architecture affects the adequate progress of the proposal, integrating all the disciplines of architecture.

- The workshop:
Project at the level of ideas with the collaboration of governmental institutions


The presential classes are developed in the form of a workshop, the students work in an active classroom where the teacher corrects, individually or in group, the progress of the project. Classes are held in relation to the architectural conception attending to the program, place, formal relationship and technical disciplines.
Organization of master classes sessions, visits to museums, architectural works, visits to professional studies always with a critical accent, debate classes and round tables.
Oral presentations are made in front of the group of teachers of the Master in which the communication of the project and the transversality of all the disciplines is valued.
The academic faculty consists of professors and active professionals.


10 % Assistance and participation in class
20 % Presentations
20 % Workshop
50 % Project

Evaluation Criteria

The evaluation of the master will be continuous and linked to the following parameters:
- Attendance and participation in the theoretical sessions.
- Attendance, follow-up and participation in the practical and correction sessions.
- Participatory attitude and motivation.
- Graphic and oral presentation of the research exercises proposed during the course.
- Schematic design, design development and constructive documents, in which is reflected (in an evolutionary way) the knowledge acquired. The documents to be delivered must comply with the minimum contents set by the professors, and the rigor and easy reading, through architectural arguments, of the decisions and solutions adopted in the project.

Basic Bibliography
Additional Material