master of science in architecture

Master of Science in Architecture

Study at La Salle and obtain the master's degree to become a great architect with all the responsibilities

Urban interstices

This practical workshop has a double objective, to serve the student to show the different realities of architecture and to offer solutions, through the experience of intervention in the ancient nuclei, the cultural and historical heritage. An unknown world for most of architects and with quite a less of specific knowledge on the subject. It will speak of the catalogued heritage and of the non-catalogued heritage, the most authentic, original, undeniable and identical to a place: the cultural heritage, an exciting, emotional heritage of common landscapes, of memories, of full of history and histories, a heritage of the people. A heritage that has been forgot by the collective of architects and that for the society that lives and participates in the great cities of Catalonia has been well accepted, well recognized and respected, but at the rural level it has not been worked. Claiming identity at the local level, from the specific, from the small action, from the characteristics of each "place", will be the main objectives.
Type Subject

Titular Professors

Previous Knowledge

Title of architect or building engineer.


The objective of this subject is given to the student "touch" different real problems where architecture can provide solutions. More than problems, we can define them as the realities in which different local administrations find themselves when it comes to managing spaces, recovering local heritage or dealing with the degradation of urban and natural landscapes.


In this seminar we’ll have two exercises as intensive workshops:

Workshop 1:
Will be an intensive project and ideas workshop, as architects, opening minds for some new points of view about the urban spaces in historic cities.
We will work in Badalona city centre as a super consolidated city with many historic layers..

Workshop 2:
The target is to learn another methodology to study de urban and historic spaces in the consolidated city and how this new way of look our environment point of view using not so usual analyse tools. Looking for how the research studies can produce a chance to change some aspects, social, economic, housing, and tourism of the site. The identity of the site.

The workshop will consist in using a different methodology, make a research with the observation, history, planning. Make an analyse about fluxes, cars, bikes, habitants, tourist, etc., history evolution, uses in the public space, mobility, the aim will be to build an Identity of the site.


Its consist in five days of intensive work for each workshop.


The evaluation is ongoing, including one-on-one critiques of each student’s projects as well as presentations, both individually and in groups. In addition to periodic presentations, students must deliver, by the end of the course, a document developing the basic structure of their dissertation.
Evaluation will be based on deliverables (MRP structure), attendance and class participation.

Evaluation Criteria

The evaluation system is as follows:
- Individual or group work: 40%
- Public presentation of works: 40%
- Participation in class: 20%

Basic Bibliography

- BOHIGAS, O. «La ciudad como espacio proyectado.» En “La arquitectura del espacio público”, de José Ramón Moreno García. Sevilla, 1999.
- CIRIANI, H. «La "pièce urbaine".» En “ La arquitectura del espacio público” , de MORENO GARCÍA J. R. Sevilla, 1999. CASANOVAS, M. M. «Hacia una nueva cultura urbana para el espacio público: la experiencia de Barcelona (1979-2003).»
-Revista: Identidades: territorio, cultura, patrimonio. 2005. ˂˃ (último acceso: Julio de 2013).
- COENEN, J. «Reflexiones y experiencias sobre el espacio público.» En “ La arquitectura del espacio  público” , de MORENO GARCÍA J. R. Sevilla, 1999.
- MONTEVERDI, A. M. «Mappeando superficies.»  Xanela. Comunidad tecnoescénica.
- NOBEL, W. «El espacio público ha muerto. Viva el espacio público.» En “ La arquitectura del espacio  público”, de MORENO GARCÍA, J. R. Sevilla, 1999.
- PAZ ARELLANO, P. «El centro histórico como espacio semiótico.»  Revista: Redalyc/Cuicuilco.  2002. ˂˃ (último acceso: Agosto de 2013).
- STAVRIDES, S. (2016)  Hacia la ciudad de umbrales, Madrid: Akal.
- Simões AELBRETCH, P. (2016) “Fourth places’: the contemporary public settings for informal social interaction among strangers” en Journal of Urban Design, vol. 21, nº 1, pp. 124-152.
- Brandão, Pedro La ética y las profesiones del diseño de la ciudad. Convicciones, Responsabilidad e Interdisciplinaridad. Rastros de la Identidad profesional en el Diseño Urbano Barcelona, Universitat de Barcelona, Resum de la Tesi Doctoral, 2007
- Carmona, M; Health, Tim; Oc, Taner; Tiesdell, Steve Public Places Urban Spaces The Dimensions of Urban Design Oxford, Architectural Press, 2003
- Carr, S; Francis, M; Rivlin, L.G; Stone, A.M. Public Space Cambridge University Press, 1992
- Guàrdia, Manuel; Monclús, Francisco Javier; Oyón, José Luis (dir.) Atlas histórico de ciudades europeas Barcelona, Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona, 1994