Titular Professors
1. Approach architecture as a cultural fact from different formats and mechanisms.
2. Encourage a critical spirit about the capabilities of architecture as a cultural medium.
3. Attend to the communication capacities of architecture with society.
The course will consist of different kinds of activities:
We will take as a starting point the architectural cultural events that Barcelona will host this spring: The Mies van der Rohe European Architecture Awards; the FAD awards in Spain and Portugal; and Model, the Barcelona Architecture Festival.
The students will become correspondents for the La Salle Campus and will explain to the university community, through different channels, actions and media, these events that will take place in the city.
The culture logics will focus on reflecting and designing from the premise of architecture as a cultural fact.
The module is based on reading and working through an Archive. It focuses on contextualizing under a narrative nature of a past time.
To evaluate this course effectively, students performance, engagement, and learning outcomes will accomplish:
1. Content Mastery: Assess students' understanding of architectural concepts, trends, and movements showcased in the events. Evaluate their ability to articulate key ideas and innovations presented in the Mies van der Rohe European Architecture Awards, FAD awards, and the Barcelona Architecture Festival.
2. Communication Skills: Evaluate the quality of students' written and oral communication in explaining the events to the university community. Assess their ability to convey complex architectural concepts in a clear, concise, and engaging manner through different channels such as articles, social media posts, presentations, and videos.
3. Research and Analysis: Assess the depth and breadth of students' research on the events, including background information on the architects, projects, and themes featured. Evaluate their critical analysis of the significance and impact of the architectural works showcased in the events.
4. Engagement and Collaboration: Evaluate students' active participation and collaboration in covering the events as correspondents for the La Salle Campus. Assess their ability to work effectively in teams, coordinate tasks, and leverage each other's strengths to produce comprehensive coverage of the events.
5. Creativity and Innovation: Assess the originality and creativity of students' approaches in presenting the events to the university community. Evaluate their use of innovative storytelling techniques, multimedia elements, and interactive formats to engage the audience and enhance understanding of architectural concepts.
6. Reflection and Self-Assessment: Encourage students to reflect on their learning experiences and evaluate their own performance as correspondents. Provide opportunities for self-assessment and peer feedback to help students identify strengths, areas for improvement, and strategies for future growth.
By incorporating these evaluation criteria, you can comprehensively assess students' learning and performance in the course while also fostering their development as effective communicators and advocates for architectural culture.
Students are requested to submit all the material on the e-study for each delivery.
System MIAD for grading exercises:
04.9 Fail (this means that the tutor will have to ask the student to submit a supplementary work).
5.06.9 Pass.
7.08.9 Good.
9.010 Excellent/Distinction.
On this basis, students will be evaluated on several aspects such as:
Attendance - 10 %
Assignments - 60 %
Final presentation - 40 %
Blog posts submitted in order to get final marks.
ANTONELLI, Paola (ed.). As seen: exhibitions that made architecture and design history.
Chicago : The Art Institute of Chicago, 2017.
CASTELLS, Manuel. La era de la información: economía, sociedad y cultura. Madrid: Alianza, 2001.
COLOMINA, Beatriz. Domesticidad en guerra. Barcelona: Actar, 2006. Veure cap. 3 La casa Eames, pp. 83-110.
― Privacidad y publicidad. Arquitectura moderna como medio de comunicación de masas. Murcia: Cendeac, 2010.
BENJAMIN, Walter. "La obra de arte en la época de su reproductibilidad téncica". Walter Benjamin. Obras completas, libro 1, volumen 2. Madrid: Adaba, 2007.
BORASI, Giovanna. The Other Architect. CCA, Spector Books, 2015.
FUSCO, Renato. Arquitectura como "mass medium". Notas para una semiología arquitectónica. Barcelona: Anagrama, 1970. Read chapter: La arquitectura como mass-media, pp. 68-96.
GAUSA, Manuel. Open: espacio, tiempo, información ; arquitectura, vivienda y ciudad contemporánea. Teoría e historia de un cambio. Barcelona: Actar, 2010.
MARIN, Celia; Romero, Marina (edts.) Contemporary European Architecture ATLAS: European Union Prize For Contemporary Architecture Mies Van Der Rohe Award 1988-2015. Barcelona: Fundació Mies van der Rohe, 2017.
McLUHAN, Marshall & Fiore, Quentin;. The Medium is the Massage. London: Penguin Books, 1967.
ORTEGA, Lluís (ed.). Future Tempos: Conversations on Architecture Across Time and Media. New York: Actar, 2020.
PELKOVEN, Eeva-Liisa et alt.. Exhibiting Architecture A Paradox? New Haven: Yale School of Architecture, 2015.
PRECIADO, Beatriz. Pornotopia. Arquitectura y sexualidad en «Playboy» durante la guerra fría. Barcelona: Anagrama, 2010.
SOLÀ- MORALES, Ignasi. Diferencias. Topografía de la arquitectura contemporánea. Barcelona: Gustavo Gili, 1995.
SZACKA, Léa-Catherine. Biennials / Triennials: Conversations on the Geography of Itinerant Display. New York: Columbia Books on Architecture and the City, 2019
TAVARES, Andre. The anatomy of the architectural book. Zurich : Lars Müller ; [Montreal] : Canadian Centre for Architecture, cop. 2016.
WIGLEY, Mark. Conocimiento local. Basa nº 28, 2006.
FREUD, Sigmund. El malestar en la cultura. Madrid: Alianza, 2003.
GINZBURG, Carlo. El queso y los gusanos : el cosmos, según un molinero del siglo XVI. Barcelona: Muchnik, 2001.
GREENBERG, Clement. Arte y cultura. Barcelona: Paidós, 2002.
JAMESON, Fredric. El posmodernismo o la lógica cultural del capitalismo avanzado. Barcelona: Paidós, 2006.
JARAUTA, Francisco. Poéticas/políticas: crítica y utopías. San Sebastián: Arteleku; Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa, Departamento de Cultura, Euskera, Juventud y Deporte, 2001.
MERLEAU-PONTY, Maurice. Variaciones sobre arte, estética y cultura. Morelia: Facultad de Filosofía "Samuel Ramos," Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo, 2002.
MOLES, Abraham. Psicología del espacio. Madrid: Ricardo Aguilera, 1972.
RAPOPORT, Amos. Vivienda y cultura. Barcelona: Gustavo Gili, 1972. Veure el cap. 3. Factores socioculturales y la forma de la casa, pp. 65-110.
SCHWANITZ, Dietrich. La Cultura: todo lo que hay que saber. Madrid: Taurus, 2007.
TAFURI, Manfredo. La esfera y el laberinto: vanguardias y arquitectura de Piranesi a los años setenta. Barcelona: Gustavo Gili, 1984.