Not required.
The basic objective of the course is to provide students with access to another vision of the literary fact, focused on the approach of a hermetic tradition.
- Students will access the central debates of literary criticism in its triple aesthetic, political-moral and pedagogical dimension.
- Students must acquire advanced competence on the main critical concepts of the discipline of Poetics: mimesis, creation, verisimilitude...
- Students will develop a critical conception of the hermetic aspect in contemporary literary theory and practice.
- Students will be introduced to the principles of a poetics of the imaginary, from the interdisciplinary debates between psychology, anthropology and cultural history.
- Students must achieve the ability to relate, in writing and orally, various theories based on the analysis of literary and artistic works that have common features.
1. Plato versus Aristotle: an (anti)metaphysical polemic.
2. The Aristotelian revival: from Chicago to the new French rhetoric.
3. Psychoanalysis and mimesis: the crisis of representation.
4. Anthropology of the imaginary: the Circle of Eranos.
5. Gaston Bachelard and Gilbert Durand: Poetics and Imagination.
The teaching methodology that will be used in the teaching of the subject is specified in:
Work in the classroom:
Master classes. Master classes refer to the presentation by the teacher of the theoretical contents of the subject, the orientation of the students on basic and advanced readings, as well as on complementary sources of information and the establishment of guidelines and keys for the completion of theoretical-practical tasks.
Group debates: In each session a document will be provided to the students so that a joint analysis can be produced in the following session that reinforces the main points of the subject studied.
Continuous evaluation. The evaluation is an integrated part of the teaching-learning process. In this subject a continuous evaluation will be carried out that will combine the delivery and presentation of tasks with the development of a written test at the end of the period. The teacher will give individual feedback on the progress of the students.
Work or activities outside the classroom:
Independent work of the students. The students' independent work consists, on the one hand, of reading selected texts and creating diagrams, summaries, concept maps, etc. based on them; and on the other, of preparing individual assignments, especially essays and oral presentations.
Tutoring. All students will have the possibility of requesting individual or group tutoring, by appointment, from the teaching staff. These tutorials may be aimed at resolving doubts about both the content and the preparation of the tasks.
Ordinary session: In order to be assessed in the ordinary session, all the activities subject to assessment must have been completed. The assessable activities must be handed in on the dates indicated by the teaching staff. If an activity subject to assessment has not been handed in or completed, it will be recorded in the minutes as "Not submitted" in the session.
Extraordinary session: The assessment criteria are the same as in the ordinary session, so all the assessment activities considered in the course must be submitted. The grades for the activities completed will be kept, pending the completion of the pending activities. In this evaluation, the same weighting criteria will be applied as in the ordinary evaluation.
1. Final written test: an essay based on one of the contents worked on in class during the period. 35%.
2. Portfolio: At the end of the period, a summary of the course must be presented in the format of a paper, which must be written from the class notes: 40%.
3. Participation: each session will include the joint analysis of a document. Preparation and presentation of points of view will be valued, as well as the ability to interact with the group. 20%.
4. Attendance: 5%>
Use of AI tools: If AI tools are used in any activity, a paragraph must be included indicating why AI has been used and what indications have been used to obtain the results. Failure to do so is a violation of academic honesty policies.
Aristóteles. Poética. Madrid: Gredos, 1973.
Bachelard, Gaston. Poética del espacio. México: Fondo de Cultura Económica, 2020.
Booth, Wayne. La retórica de la ficción. Barcelona: Bosch, 2004.
Durand, Gilbert. La imaginación simbólica. Buenos Aires: Amorrortu, 2007.
Frye, Northop. Anatomía de la crítica. Caracas: Monte Ávila, 1977.
Genette, Gérard. Ficción y dicción. Barcelona: Lumen, 1993.
Girard, René. Mentira romántica y verdad novelesca. Barcelona: Anagrama, 2023.
Jung, Carl Gustav. El hombre y sus símbolos. Barcelona: Paidós, 2023.
Platón. República. Madrid: Gredos, 1988.
Steiner, George. La poesía del pensamiento. Madrid: Siruela, 2012.
Zambrano, María. El hombre y lo divino. México: Fondo de Cultura Económica. 2007.
Classroom activities will be based on texts from the following books
Arendt, Hanna. Más allá de la filosofía. Escritos sobre cultura, arte y literatura. Madrid: Trotta, 2014.
Cirlot, Juan Eduardo. Diccionario de símbolos. Madrid: Siruela, 2024.
Freud, Sigmund. Psicoanálisis del arte. Madrid: Alianza Editorial, 2019.
Sontag, Susan. Contra la interpretación y otros ensayos. Barcelona. DeBolsillo, 2007.
Weil, Simone. A la espera de Dios. Madrid: Trotta, 2009.