Titular Professors
Not required.
General Objectives
1. Acquire advanced skills for initiation and further research in the various branches of philosophy and humanities, according to the choice of the itinerary by the student.
2. Develop a reflective and critical capacity in philosophical and humanistic questions and topics, both from the historical and systematic point of view, in order to provide the student with a clear understanding of current topics in thought, literature and art that will serve for future research.
3. Master the methodological bases and knowledge that allow the integration of the different philosophical and humanistic knowledge in a personal work project.
4. Acquire agility in the management of interdisciplinarity as a basic element of philosophical and humanistic reflection, with an open view to other areas of culture and knowledge and in the development of a reflective understanding of its conceptual foundations. other areas.
Specific objectives
1. To gain detailed and in-depth knowledge of specific aspects of contemporary philosophical and humanistic reflection, beyond the aspects studied in the Bachelor's degrees.
2. To apply the detailed study of the works, topics and relevant authors in contemporary philosophical and humanistic research, interacting with the professors who carry out research tasks.
3. To use bibliographical funds, both primary and secondary, in the area of ​​philosophical thought; to know how to use databases (on paper and electronic), as well as to apply this knowledge in the elaboration of academic works of philosophical and humanistic research.
4. To plan, elaborate and clearly present, in writing and orally, an original research work on a specific topic of philosophy, following the guidelines required in scientific works.
5. To apply with the necessary agility both the acquired knowledge and the methodology of philosophical and humanistic reflection in new problems and areas.
6. Compose a coherent and critical discourse based on an objective analysis of the various proposals and situations arising from the social, cultural, economic and scientific environment, developing a critical spirit and interpersonal communication.
Unit 1: Introduction to the philosophy of technology
Topic 1: The philosophy of technology: definition, methodology and currents
Topic 2: Transhumanism: a diverse movement
Unit 2: Critical elements of transhumanism
Topic 3: Life as an absolute value
Topic 4: Mechanism and technological determinism
Topic 5: Eugenics
Topic 6: An ultra-secularist faith
Unit 3: Towards a new approach
Topic 7: The techno-scientific imperative and human technologies
Topic 8: Integral transhumanism
The teaching methodology that will be used in the subject is specified in:
Work in the classroom:
1. Lectures. Lectures refer to the presentation by the teaching staff of the theoretical contents of the subject, the orientation of the students on basic and advanced readings, as well as sources of complementary information and the establishment of guidelines and keys for the completion of theoretical and practical tasks.
2. Continuous Assessment. Assessment is an integrated part of the teaching-learning process. In this subject, continuous assessment will be carried out that will combine active participation in class with the delivery and presentation of the final work and the completion of the final exam.
Ordinary session: In order to be assessed in the ordinary session, all the activities subject to assessment must have been completed. The assessable activities must be handed in on the dates indicated by the teaching staff. If an activity subject to assessment has not been handed in or completed, it will be recorded in the minutes as "Not submitted" in the session.
Extraordinary session: The assessment criteria are the same as in the ordinary session, so all the assessment activities considered in the course must be submitted. The grades for the activities completed will be kept, pending the completion of the pending activities. In this assessment, the same weighting criteria will be applied as in the ordinary assessment.
- Final synthesis work on some of the course content, agreed with the professor and under his/her tutorial supervision. 50%. [Appropriate use of textual sources: philosophical reference texts. Textual and thematic organization. Ability to pose problems around current issues of the mind, science and society, articulating adequately argued philosophical responses.]
- Final written exam on the theoretical content learned. 30%. [Clarity of exposition. Logical structure of the exposition. Conceptual order of the exposition. Suggesting problems.]
- Attendance and active and productive participation in philosophical dialogues held in the classroom. 20%. [Ability to listen, empathy, understanding of divergent positions of others, as well as knowing how to behave respectfully in the classroom. Ability to suggest questions, answers, alternatives, objections, with a sense of opportunity. Ability for specifically philosophical dialogue. Correct use of philosophical vocabulary.]
*Each section must be passed with a minimum score of 5 to average the final score.
Use of AI tools: If AI tools are used in any activity, a paragraph must be included indicating why AI has been used and what indications have been used to obtain the results. Failure to do so is a violation of academic honesty policies.
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