Master in Integrated Architectural Design

Master in Integrated Architectural Design

Logics of evolution for contemporary contexts

Master thesis

Research complementary seminars will help students to find their subjects/topics and introduce them to the research procedures and tools (PA004 and PA005).
Type Subject
Primer - Obligatoria
Previous Knowledge

Learning outcomes of the final dissertation are as follows:
1. Being able to cope with a research, theoretical or design project, in the logics of evolution for the contemporary architectural design.
2. Knowing how to analyze a specific problem in the field of architecture current challenges and knowing how to approach to them and propose solutions.
3. Strengthen the knowledge acquired over the subjects studied in the MIAD.
4. Know and apply a methodology in its development.
5. Apply acquired techniques and knowledge with other fields.


The Final Master Thesis (FMT) should consist of a research study, design or implementation of a project in the field of logics of evolution for the contemporary contexts treated on the MIAD.


This work is guided by a professor who provides tutoring and guidance throughout its development. Under her/his supervision, the student will write a document with the theoretical and practical research or content about their topic or subject.
The activities that the student must follow to make the final dissertation can be divided into the following categories:
1. Individual meetings with tutor, delivering requested parts of the FMT.
2. To search and study the proper literature about the subject.
3. To prepare the final document and its presentation in front of a jury.


Student must get enrolled in the final Master Thesis (FMT), like all subjects, within the enrolment period of the MIAD. It should be remembered that the FMT can only be presented when the student has passed all the subjects that make up the master. Getting enrolled includes the possible presentation in two calls: a presentation in the ordinary call or a Presentation in the extraordinary call.

The defence of FMT can only be done once all the subjects of the degree have been approved. Therefore, in order to get enrolled, it is necessary to have attended all the subjects that make up the degree (taking into account any enrolment restrictions that may exist).
It should be noted that the calls for proposals —both for presentations of reports and for the public defence of the FMT— will establish their timetable, with prior approval of the Academic Direction.

Extraordinary Call
The student will have a third extraordinary FMT presentation option in February, only in the case that the student requests it, and the request is within the framework stipulated by the School's regulations (at the time of enrolment, together with the FMT a maximum of two core subjects of the master, which must be subjects repeated).

FMT folder to eStudy
The FMT cover pages are available in the Academic Secretariat.

A paper copy of the memory will be provided along with the covers. They must be printed and signed by the director of the FMT (and co-directors if any) to the Academic Secretariat. The format must be DIN A4, double-sided and simple spacing. The font should be 11 Arial points, 12 Times New Roman points or equivalent. The drawings, graphics, etc., must be presented in DIN standard formats, preferably DIN A4 or A3. For plans of superior measures, consult the Academic Secretary.

The memory should contain at least the following parts:
• A summary (maximum of 200 words, in Catalan, Spanish and English)
• Key words (Catalan, Spanish and English)
• A detailed index of the sections, with decimal numbering of the chapters and the sections.
• Introduction, objectives, scope, theoretical foundations, options and methodology used. Descriptive part of the content with illustrations and diagrams Duly numbered.
• Analysis of the obtained results.
• Economic study and / or cost in hours of the TFG / TFM.
• Conclusions and future lines to follow.
• At the end of the bibliography. Bibliographic reviews
• The basis of the work.

Finally, maps, charts, graphs and / or charts will be included as annexes. Schemes that are considered appropriate, duly numbered. The computer lists and user manuals will be bound in separate volumes and in the form of annexes. The recommended total length of memory should be between 60 and 150 pages.

The memory and defense of the FMT is carried out individually. Royal Decree 1393/2007, with reference to the "Official university degrees ", in Article 12.

Guidelines for the design of university master's degrees
Section 3: "These Teachings will conclude with the elaboration and defence of a Final Project”. MASTER'S DEGREE. Royal Decree 1393/2007, with reference to the "Official university teaching of Master", in Article 15. Guidelines for the design of university master's degrees, Section 3: "These Teachings will conclude with the elaboration and Public defence of a final project, which will have between 6 and 30 credits". This entails that each student has to submit a report and make a personalized public defence.


In the event that the defence of the FMT is subject to the publication of the marks of some subject(s), the student must inform the coordinator of the degree.
In case of not being able to defend in the expected call, for academic reasons or other situations, the memory will be retained in the Academic Secretariat. In this case, the students should request the presentation for the call that they deem appropriate, provided that they are enrolled, informing the Academic Secretary and the coordinator of the degree.


The intellectual property of any final master’s degree in the School belongs to La Salle - Ramon Llull University. Exceptionally, the management of the school may assign these rights to the student or company that requests it. This issue must be resolved before the defence of the FMT.

Evaluation Criteria

The evaluation criteria take into account aspects such as:
- Organization and structure of memory both in form and in content (abstract, summary, Index, Body, Results, Conclusions and future trends, bibliography).
- Quality and correction of writing.
- Relevance of the proposed work and its justification.
- Presentation of FMT. Setting the time of presentation, which is 30 minutes.
-Synthesis capacity.
- Theoretical presentation. Theoretical knowledge of the subject matter of FMT: formalisms and development.
- Clarity of presentation.
- Clarity of oral presentation.
- Answers to questions from the court.
- Practical presentation.
- Show the environment in which it has developed.
- Quality results shown.

More specifically the evaluation criteria are based on four pillars:
- The assessment of the tutor Professor: weighted on the autonomy and solving and planning and compliance objectives.
- The evaluation of the tribunal about the content of the work done: evaluate the content of the work, its novelty and results.
- Memory work: allow capacity assessment of written communication and search of information.
- Oral presentation: allow the assessment of oral communication skills.

Reminder: The covers to be included in the report must be removed from Academic Secretary or printed from the student's office in the Academic Secretariat before the delivery of the memory. These sheets are standardized; other documents will not be accepted. You will find a model to fill it correctly in the Academic Secretariat.

The tribunal is constituted by a president and two directors. Of the three members of the tribunal, at least one must be Professor of La Salle - University Ramon Llull. The director may be part of the tribunal as a member, at the discretion of the academic head of the qualification.

IMPORTANT: The front pages of Final Master Thesis must be duly signed by both the director as by the student before delivery.

Basic Bibliography

• BORDEN, Iain and Katerina Rüedi Ray. The Dissertation: A Guide for Architecture Students. London: Routledge, 2014.
• ECO, Umberto. How to Write a Thesis. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2025.
• FOQUÉ, Richard. Building Knowledge in Architecture. Antwerp: University Press Antwerp, 2010.
• GASTÓN, Cristina and Teresa Rovira. El proyecto moderno. Pautas de investigación. Barcelona: Ediciones UPC, 2007.
• GROAT, Linda and David Wang. Architectural Research Methods. New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, 2002.
• LAUREL, Brenda. Design Research: Methods and Perspectives. Cambridge: MIT Press, 2003.
• TILL, Jeremy. What is architectural research? Architectural Research: Three Myths and One Model. London: RIBA, 2004.
• HACKER, Diana and Nancy Sommers. The Bedford Handbook. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin's, 2009.
• Modern Language Association. MLA Style Manual and Guide to Scholarly Publishing. New York: Modern Language Association, 2008.

Additional Material

• JARZOMBEK, Mark. “A Thesis.” Thresholds 12 (1996): 6-8.
• KIERAN, Stephen. “Research in Design: Planning Doing Monitoring Learning.” Journal of Architectural Education (2007): 27-31.
• LEATHERBARROW, David. “Architecture is its Own Discipline.” The Discipline of Architecture. Andrzej Piotrowski and Julia Williams Robinson, eds. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2001: 83-102.
• LINDER, Mark. “TRANSdisciplinarity.” Hunch 9 (2005): 12-15.