master of science in architecture

Master of Science in Architecture

Study at La Salle and obtain the master's degree to become a great architect with all the responsibilities

Applied installations

1. Descriptive data of the subject: 1.1. Code: MHA 05. 1.2. Type of subject: Mandatory 1.3. Impartation: Annual 1.4. ECTS credits: 3 1.5. Responsible professor: Amaya Arizmendi 1.6. Language: Spanish - Catalan - English
Type Subject
Primer - Obligatoria

Titular Professors

Previous Knowledge

Degree in Architecture Studies or Fundamentals of Architecture.


Knowledge of research methods and preparation of construction projects.
Create architectural projects that satisfy the aesthetic and technical demands, and the requirements of the building users, respecting the limits imposed by budgetary factors and construction regulations.


Incorporate sustainability and energy aspects as an attitude to the project from the implementation of the building on the plot considering the environmental factors, incorporating the study and reflection on the energy performance of the projected building and the implementation of the installations from an architectural point of view of rationality and efficiency.

- A first objective is that the projects are capable to respond to its environment (urban implementation, typological adequacy, of image, materiality, sustainability and environmental conditioning) and also respond to aspects related to the use of the building, especially of security, accessibility, energetic behaviour, efficiency and comfort, according to the typology, the climatic area and the use profile.
- The second objective of the subject is to incorporate the facilities and energy production as a project element and not as an addition to the project, learning to make the installations compatible between each other, with the constructive and structural, following the implementation strategy generated by the idea of the project.


The evolutionary and comparative study of the energetic behavior of the buildings, environmental control and service facilities. The objective is to get the students to know all the installations, the elements that configure them, the possible systems and especially their implementation in the projects.

- Overview of the world of environmental conditioning and the service.
- Analysis of the security, service and climate conditioning installations of the residential buildings.
- Analysis of the security, service and climate conditioning installations of the service buildings.
- Study of environmental intervention tools.

Index of contents:

- Implementation of the architecture on the site. Environmental factors.
- Passive fire protection and implementation of the installations in the building. Building example.
- The building and the energy. Passive methods, intermediate spaces, natural ventilation.
- HVAC installation. Energy production, heat exchange and recovery units in the building.
- Energy management of buildings. Energy and installation of systems of facilities as project reflection.
- Installation of the water evacuation and reuse.
- Services: plumbing, gas, solar hot water and electricity.


Energy aspects: The analysis and learning of the environmental factors of the site, and the passive strategies that will be carried out in the building.
Installations and services: The analysis and learning of the main installations will be carried out from the elements and equipments that make up the different systems, their main criteria for implementation and pre-dimensioning.


The presential classes are developed in the form of a workshop, where the theoretical content is combined with practical exercises to better understand the concepts presented in each session.

- Theoretical sessions and practical sessions in which there will be carried out a continuous correction of the project developed by the student during the semester and the presentation by the student of specific research exercises related to the syllabus.
- The presential classes are developed combining exposition of theoretical contents and practical exercises for a better understanding of the concepts presented in each session.
- The acquired knowledge is included and worked on the project that the students are developing with the support of professors through correction sessions.
- Research exercises that will be formalized - as indicated by the professors of the subject - in a presentation in digital format and / or paper drawn by hand. In both cases, the presentation will be accompanied by a clear, precise and structured design that will be presented to the rest of the classmates and professors during class time.
- The semester is complemented by debates and visits to buildings, works or workshops related to the subject syllabus.


15 % Assistance, participation in class and exciting attitude
20 % Graphic and oral presentation
50 % Practice / Executive definition of the project
15 % Exercises, debate and investigation

Evaluation Criteria

The evaluation of the master will be continuous and linked to the following parameters:
- Attendance and participation in the theoretical sessions.
- Assistance, follow-up and participation in the practical and correction sessions.
- Enthusiastic attitude and motivation.
- Graphic and oral presentation of the research exercises proposed during the course.
- Schematic design, design development and construction documents, in which the acquired knowledge is reflected (in an evolutionary way). The documents to be delivered must comply with the minimum contents set by the professors, and the rigor and easy reading, through architectural arguments, of the decisions and solutions adopted in the project.

Basic Bibliography

Código de Accesibilidad de Catalunya.
Código Técnico de la edificación. Documentos Básicos.
Abalos, I., Herreros, J. Técnica y Arquitectura en la ciudad contemporánea. Ed. Nerea.
Banham, R. La Arquitectura del entorno bien climatizado. Ed. Infinito.
Tedeschi, E. Teoría de la Arquitectura. Ed. Nueva Visión.
Edwards, Brian Guía básica de la sostenibilidad Ed.: GG ISBN 9788425222085
Eiler, S. Experiencia de la Arquitectura. Ed. Biblioteca Universitaria Labor.
Gauzin-Muller, Dominique. 25 casas ecológicas . Ed: GG ISBN: 9788425220913
Olgyay, V. Arquitectura y Clima. Ed. Gustavo Gili.
Coch, H., Serra, R. El disseny energètic a l’arquitectura. Ediciones UPC.
Serra, Rafael; Coch, Helena. Arquitectura y energía natural. Ed.: UPC (2001).
Serra, R. Les energies a l’arquitectura. Ediciones UPC.
Serra, R. Arquitectura y climas. Ed. G. G. Básicos
Serra, Rafael. Clima, lugar y arquitectura. Ed.: CIEMAT, (1989).
Jourda, Françoise-Hélène. Pequeño manual del proyecto sostenible. Ed.:Gustavo Gili
Paricio, I. La protección solar. Colección cuadernos bisagra. Ed. Bisagra.(1999)
Sanmiguel, Sandra; European Commission. Un Vitruvio ecológico: principios y práctica del proyecto arquitectónico sostenible. Ed.: Gustavo Gili, (2007).
Rybczynski, Witold. La Casa, historia de una idea Ed.: NEREA ISBN: 9788489569140
Sage, Konrad. Instalaciones técnicas en edificios. 3a Ed.: Gustavo Gili, (1980).
Serra, Rafael. Arquitectura i màquina: principis d'instal·lacions als edificis: Ed.: UPC
Fumadó, J. L. Climatización de edificios. Ed. El Serval.
Isover. Manual de aislamiento en la edificación.
Paricio, I. Colección cuadernos bisagra. Ed. Bisagra.
Cita V. Manual del Vidrio.
De las Casas, J. Mª., González, R., Puente, R. Curso de iluminación integrada en la arquitectura. Madrid: Colegio oficial de Arquitectos de Madrid.
Feijo, J. Instalaciones de iluminación en la arquitectura. Universidad de Valladolid.
Pérez M. Compendio práctico de acústica aplicada. Ed. Láser.
Carrión, Antoni. Diseño acústico de espacios arquitectónicos. Ed.: UPC, (1998).
Meisser, M. Acústica de los edificios. Ed. ETA.
Estudio de acústica de la Salle. Ed. La Salle.
Allen, E. Cómo funciona uno edificio. Principios elementales. Barcelona: Editorial GG, 1982.
Arizmendi, L. J. Cálculo y normativa básica de las instalaciones en los edificios. Tomos I, II y III. Pamplona: Editorial Eunsa, 2005.
Fumadó, J.L. Las instalaciones de servicios en los edificios I. La Coruña: Colegio de Arquitectos de Galicia, Comisión de Asesoramiento Tecnológico, 2004.
Fumadó, J.L., Paricio, I., El tendido de las instalaciones. Barcelona: Editorial Bisagra, 1999
Sage, K. Instalaciones técnicas en edificios. Barcelona: Editorial GG, 1980, 3a edició
Serra, R. Arquitectura i màquina: principis d'instal·lacions als edificis. Barcelona : Edicions UPC, 1996
Wellpott, E. Las instalaciones en los edificios, Barcelona: Editorial GG, 2009.
Martín Gómez, C. (2006) Las instalaciones y la arquitectura. Tectónica, 21, 4-27
Briz, J., Apuntes tercer curso de arquitectura. La Salle Arquitectura. Carpeta de documentación 218
Normativa d’aplicació. Código Técnico de la edificación. Documentos Básicos SI, SUA, HE, HS.
TECTÓNICA 14 acústica
TECTÓNICA 20 Instalaciones
TECTÓNICA 24 Iluminación (1) artificial
TECTÓNICA 37 aislamiento acústico

Additional Material

Banham, Reyner. Architecture of the Well-tempered Environment: Second, Revised. Edition. Editor: Univ of Chicago Pr Architectural Press. (1984). ISBN9780851397498.
Edwards, Brian Rough Guide to Sustainability: A Design Primer 4th Editor: RIBA (2014) ISBN: 9781859465073
Eiler Rasmussen, Steen Experiencing architecture Editor: M.I.T. Press, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1962)
Gauzin-Müller, Dominique Sustainable Architecture and Urbanism: Design, Construction, Examples. Editor: Springer Science & Business Media. (2002)
Gauzin-Muller, Dominique. Sustainable living: 25 international examples. Editor: Birkhäuser (2006)
Givoni, Baruch. Man, climate and architecture. Editor: Elsevier (1969.)
Mazria, Edward. The passive solar energy book : a complete guide to passive solar home, greenhouse, and building design. Editor: Emmaus, Pa. Rodale Press, (1979)
Olgyay, Victor. Design With Climate: Bioclimatic Approach to Architectural. Regionalism, Editor: New York Van Nostrand Reinhold (1992) OL5821217M
Rybczynski, Witold. Home: A Short History of an Idea Editor: Penguin; Reprint (1987) ISBN-10: 0140102310 ISBN-13: 978-0140102314
Schittich, Christian Solar Architecture: Strategies, Visions, Concepts Editor: Detail
Wright, David. Natural solar architecture: a passive primer. Editor: New York : Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., (1978).
Hall, F. and Greeno, R. Building services handbook. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann, 2003.
Daniels, K. Advanced building systems: a technical guide for architects and engineers. Basel; Boston; Berlin: Birkhäuser, cop. 2003.
Harrison, H.W. and Trotman, P.M.. Building services: performance, diagnosis, maintenance, repair and the avoidance of defects. Watford : Construction Research Communications, cop. 2000.

GuzowskiI, Mary. ENERGIA CERO Editorial: BLUME
Paredes Benítez, Cristina Atlas ilustrado de Eco Arquitectura Editorial: SUSAETA EDICIONES, S.A
II Bienal habitat futura. 12 Proyectos emblemáticos de arquitectura sostenible Editorial: HABITAT FUTURA
Wassouf, Micheel. De la casa pasiva al estandar. PASSIVHAUS. La arquitectura pasiva en climas cálidos Editorial: Gustavo Gili
Heywood, Huw 101 Reglas básicas para una arquitectura de bajo consumo energético Editorial: Gustavo Gili
Victor Olgyay.- Arquitectura y clima. Manual de diseño bioclimática para arquitectos y urbanistas. Editorial: Gustavo Gili
AA.VV. SOLAR DECATHLON 1 SOL, 2 MUNDOS, 3 CASAS. Editorial: Munillaleria Editorial

Helena Granados Menéndez. Rehabilitación energética de edificios. Editorial: Tornapunta Ediciones.

Arquitectura Bioclimática y Urbanismo Sostenible (Volumen I y II). Editado por Prensas Universitarias de Zaragoza.
Beatriz Garzón. Arquitectura Bioclimática. Editado por Nobuko.

Arquitectura y energía natural. Rafael Serra y Helena Poch. Edicions UPC. Barcelona 1995