International Supply Chain & Lean Logistics (5 ECTS)
This subject teaches concepts related to the management of the supply chain in its international environment: imports, exports and the Incoterms that regulate international transactions. Knowledge related to continuous improvement applied to the supply chain is also taught: methodologies, tools and creation of scenarios for decision making.
- Global Supply Chain
- Incoterms and international document management
- Management of imports
- International logistics distribution
- Lean Operation
- Lean decisions
- Lean tools
- Lean and continuous improvement
Digital transformation of the company (5 ECTS)
This course will cover the different ways to cover the digital transformation in the company as well as the techniques that exist and the possible applications.
- Types of digital transformation
- Ways to design the DT
- Ways to apply DT in the company
- Big Data, Data Science
- Artificial Intelligence, Machine learning, Deep Learning and Internet of Things
- Virtual, augmented, and extended reality
- Smart manufacturing, 3D printing / Additive manufacturing
eCommerce and eLogistics (5 ECTS)
This subject teaches knowledge related to e-commerce and its specific operations in the management and delivery of orders (storage and distribution). Various technological support systems for the management of the different areas of the supply chain (e-sourcing, e-procurement, WMS, warehouse automation systems and TMS) are also reviewed so that they know the possibilities of modernization that exist.
- eCommerce and Supply Chain
- Technological systems for demand planning
- ePurchasing
- Technological purchasing systems
- eLogistics
- Technological systems for storage and picking management/automation
- Technological transport management systems
Supply Chain Technology (5 ECTS)
This subject teaches concepts related to the digital supply chain, the choice of support systems for the supply chain and the implementation of these systems in the company. Experiences of applying new technologies to the supply chain are also shared.
- Digital Supply Chain
- Selection of technological systems in the company
- Implementation of systems in the company
- Business Intelligence: Cloud computing, Big Data Analytics for SC
- IA for Supply Chain
- IOT and Blockchain in Supply Chain
- AI and for Supply chain
- RPA, Digital Twins and Digital Towers in Supply Chain
Management skills (5 ECTS)
This subject teaches concepts related to the student's personal development in terms of their management skills at a managerial level. The student is provided with techniques and tools to improve their way of communicating, negotiating or resolving conflicts. Likewise, techniques for leading and working as a team and how to develop collaborators are worked on. Finally, the student is provided with techniques to be more effective in their organization and time management. Students apply this knowledge to themselves by evaluating their level of competence and establishing a personal improvement plan.
- Personal development and change orientation
- Effective communication and presentations
- Negotiation and conflict resolution
- Teamwork
- Leadership and management styles
- Development of collaborators
- Personal effectiveness, productivity, planning and time management
- Innovation and creativity applied to decision making
Final Master's Project (10 ECTS)
The objective of the Master's Final Project is to carry out a project that integrates and puts into practice the knowledge that they have been acquiring from the different modules of the Master's. Said project will be valued through its exhibition in front of a court.